I didn't seem to have time to write, and now I have even less time. So I'm trying something quick to get over the big hump.
I'm still unemployed, and feel sort of too busy to look for work ???
Scott and Rika have moved into their own place now.
My parents arrived on Monday.
I mentioned I wanted to weed/tidy the garden to them, and all four of us have been out there ripping out stuff since. My dad is chopping down trees and having the time of his life. My mother has sworn a personal vendetta against the purple succulent. (I assure you, start trying to eradicate it, and it becomes personal very quickly).
jamver0, who has no interest in gardening, is getting sore and grotty from the amount of time he's spending out there.
We're still not quite done, I think we have several trailer loads of garden waste already, and I have some cookies to bake this morning before I get into serious attack mode out there again.