Feb 23, 2009 16:46
Okay seriously. I'm pro-life for me- I personally would never have an abortion, I just couldn't do it. For you I am very much pro-choice- I could never tell someone else they don't have the right to chose that decision. I would never want to take away the right for any woman to make that horribly difficult decision. That being said I support organizations that share information about the choices, organizations that give women the facts and options. I know women who have made the different decisions women who have kept a child, given one up for adoption and had an abortion. I personally know one amazing woman who has done all three. The organizations that I can't support however are the ones out to condem, scare and threaten women like the one on my college's campus today (UTSA not SAC). This group has come on campus today with 30 ft signs with photos of partial-birth abortions, dismembered featuses and the like- I was just walking across campus when I was visually assaulted by these images and people "sharing" their message. I'm shocked to say the least- I understand colleges are supposed to be shocking and to share ugly truths but isn't this a bit much? There are other ways to share this message, but I guess this is effective cause I saw it and reacted strongly which is likely what they wanted. When can I go back to TLU?