I want one of
In my flat I have no garden or outdoor space of any sort (not even a balcony), and it hurts me to throw away large quantities of vegetable waste when I cook, not to mention the steady stream of teabags invevitable in almost any UK household, and the leftovers that occur at times. I don't quite know what I'd do with the compost that comes out of this machine, but I'm sure it could be put to use - there's always Freecycle. At £170 it's quite an expensive toy - and let's face it, a toy is what it would be for me - but I'm seriously tempted.
I also want one of
these and probably will buy one eventually.
I've bought one of
these which Matt (my flatmate) is picking up from the depot today (missed delivery as usual). For some reason the price seems to have gone up by about £8 since I ordered it...?
Anyway, it doesn't quite do all I want it to do, but is known to be extremely hackable (all the way up to running a full Debian Linux system).
In other news, as you might expect from this rather exotic shopping list, my flat is more or less completely furnished now.