Of the Christmas Special

Dec 28, 2008 11:31

Excuse my squee, but the vision of David Morrissey...

...as (nearly) the next Doctor had me going 'kyaaa!' for five minutes before I decided to go on watching the ep.

I may not be a huge fan of David Morrissey but he's an impressive actor and he does his job incredibly well. He'd make a great Doctor, imho.

Rosita was sweet (always telling him off :P), it would be cool if she'd left with 10:)

I'm both disappointed and relieved that this special didn't end with a funny cliffhanger, but then again how can you top Titanic crashing into the TARDIS? :P I can't wait for the next companion... but I actually hope it could be a guy this time. It would be fun to see the dynamics between the Doctor and a full time male companion, unlike part-time, coming and going Jack and Mickey.

Plus, it's less likely that I'd have to sit through another starry-eyed girlie drooling over the Doctor.

That's what fans are for, for goodness sake :P
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