Mar 04, 2005 20:13

Alrighty, so here's the prolouge:
They've been redoing our dorm, stripping some of the wallpaper, and repainting, putting up some molding. Stuff like that. Word is over the summer they're putting redoing the inside of the dorms with new, nice, moveable furniture. Anyways, they did they 8th floor first, now they're on our floor, the 7th.

Then some smart ass decided to tear down some of the paper they weren't planning on taking down, and to write some stuff on the walls.

Now, I go outside my room, and I find taped to my door a notice saying that if the person isn't turned in they're going to charge damages to everybody on the floor. Now maybe I'm just over reacting but this is REALLY fucking pissing me off. First they are going repaint the walls anyways!! Second, that has to be illegal!! And Third... I dunno, it's just fucked up or something!!!!!! ANGRY FACE.
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