-I turned 19 on Tuesday! The day was chill, Gilly made a cake decorated to look like the British flag, and then I got a kitchen set (apron, oven mits, and the like) *also* with the Britsh flag on them! Ha
-Turned a pair of me old cargo pants into some more comfortable cargo shorts (since there was a hole in the knee anyway) only to have gotten something all over my legs that made them maddeningly ichy. Ah well...
-Had a dream I was making out with Eames from Inception (the British guy, surprise surprise--actually I wasn't even that attracted to him but there ya go). Except his lips were...spicey, they actually burned after a few moments so I had to stop. And then I kept trying to get him into bed but we kept getting interrupted :/ Not entirely sure what my subconcious is trying to tell me...
-Need to start packing for the move back to Richmond on Sunday. I'm gonna try to bring a lot less this year (mainly because we have to fit it all in the car plus a futon plus the three of us, sooo...)
Aaand yeah, laters
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