His name is Richard...

Oct 30, 2006 05:19

Today, was the first time, in all sincerity, that I called him my boyfriend. It felt nice.

I can finally tell you all about him. It's been so complicated, it's ridiculous. I don't even know where to begin. We work together (at the zoo). From day one, I enjoyed his company, so much energy, so friendly, and so thoughtful. But, we worked together! At some point we even had a conversation about just being friends. There was just too many reasons not to get involved. He's older, I was still seeing Jon, he has an 8 year old son, and I had a trip to Cancun planned, and we worked together. So many things to think about. And then we spent an evening sitting in the dark, just talking, for 4 hours. He walked me to the door to say goodbye, we hugged, and all those reasons were forgotten. The way I felt was completely unexpected, it was so hard to let go. And then he asked me if he could take me on a date. And before, I could even think about it, I blurted out, "Yes!"
I drove home, thinking, "Oh, no, what have I gotten myself into?" All those reasons came flooding back. I told Katie the next day, and she too, reminded me off all those reasons. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel excited. I had the biggest grin for days.
And the date... it was amazing. Flowers, dinner, presents, his warm embrace. I was so happy.
But, there was still one thing. I had a trip planned for Cancun in a little over a week, to go see Alex. I couldn't wrap my head around things. I was a mess. I tried to lie to myself about how I was feeling. In some ways, I was putting up an emotional wall. We tried to keep things a secret, at least with those we work with, and I tried to hide behind that. If we don't tell anyone else that we are dating, then I don't have to admit it to myself too. I just can't right now, I'm going to Cancun in a week!
God knows, I felt terrible. And even worse, when he offered to take me to and from the airport. How can someone be so nice? He is amazing.
I got off the plane to an incredible welcome. It felt so nice to be home. At that moment, I didn't care how starving I was, how tired I was, and I wasn't even worrying about my luggage. All I could think about was how wonderful it felt to be in his arms. I know, I know, look at me, all "Nicholas Sparks," or as Katie calls it "Betty Crocker." But you are going to have to get used to it. I'm gonna be all mushy for a while, I've got a boyfriend.
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