2014 New Years Resolutions

Jan 05, 2014 22:03

Happy New Year! It's already the 5th but none the less.

Classes finally start tomorrow, and I have no confident that I'll be able to sneak in any entries during semester. I probably only want to study and slack off with Candy Crush (which I already delete off of from the iPhone, to ease the temptation)

Recapping 2013 New Year's Resolution first. Honestly, I couldn't remember what I made and I didn't even bother to look them up even with an iPhone on hand most of the time. But surprisingly, I didn't do too bad:

1) Be adventurous
With no job(-ish), meaning no good income, I really did the best I can: biked around Stanley Park, took on a part time job that's completely out of character (I think), doing things that I've never done in Vancouver before. And of course, applying for school XD

2) Learn to say no... to friends.
I can't recall a time when I said no... yet, I can't remember a time when I had a reason to say no. So another yay?

3) Build up on those languages
Japanese skills: I've been watching a lot of variety shows lately, aside from VS Arashi that is. I've been randomly watching old episodes of ネプリーグ, 逃走中 and 謎解きバトルTORE. I've also been putting an extra effort to write Japanese letters and messages.
Chinese: I've been reading more ever since I got my iPhone, thanks to Weibo (the China version of twitter)

So looking back, I did very well keeping up with all the resolutions!

In 2014, I'm keeping things simple with 3 resolutions:

1) Keep up with school
I'm not study material and I know it. But with miracles, sometimes I manage to study and get very good grades. It's not going to be an easy year, but I hoping that since I'm studying something I'm interested in, that will give me an extra push towards working hard.

2) Pay attention to details that doesn't "matter"
I don't care for numbers. I'll see a price, and I can forget about it instantly. I wouldn't even be able to tell you how much-ish it was. I want to pay more attention to these kind of details, and make an effort to remember them. Names, street signs, etc. are included.

3) Diet
I've gained weight since I got back to Vancouver, surprise! I know why too. Partly cause I don't get a say of what to eat at dinner, and partly cause I don't make an effort to eat more greens during the day. Plus the fridge always seem to be empty so I have to resort to instant noodles. I've eaten more instant noodles since I got back to Vancouver than I ever did in a year in Japan, I kid you not. I don't know if going back to school and packing my own lunch will help, but I will pay closer attention to what I'm eating and how much I'm eating.

some food for thought

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