bodyguard!au [5/?]

May 06, 2015 02:58

Title: Eyes on me
Rating: pg
Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol
Wordcount: 2k~
Warning: severely unbetaed (i wrote this three minutes ago), if you haven't read the rest of the au you won't understand a thing
Disclaimer: EXO members and/or former members do not belong to me
Notes: last year I published a 40k fic mob!au killer/whore fic, this year barely a 2k ust ficlet where nothing happens #ahah #HappyBaekhyunDay
Summary: Nothing happens. Wait. Some other kiss happens.

<< IV. Grey Zone

Chanyeol's face when he opens the door is raw and haunted. He lets Baekhyun in without a word, looking as lost as Baekhyun feels but can't show. Baekhyun can only steal short, timid looks at his messy eyes, the red, blood-shot eyes of someone who hasn't been sleeping well, his conflicted face. Chanyeol smells like booze, but his eyes are focused and the tremor in his hands is barely visible. Baekhyun doesn't know if it comes with years of training as a bodyguard - the ability of snapping out of the haze only alcohol can create - or if it's just the effect of Baekhyun's presence, the rush of adrenaline reaching the brain and burning the booze with a sting.

When he feels like Chanyeol will turn towards him, Baekhyun turns his face away. It's the first time Baekhyun sees his bodyguard's flat and he tries to concentrate on the expensive furniture, the big windowpanes - everything is metal and glass, like something out of a interior design magazine and not a real apartment, like Baekhyun's own new flat. Only when they reach the living room, Baekhyun finally recognizes the traces left by the owner of the house, the mess of soju bottles and mooncake wrappers, half empty potato chips bags and Chinese takeout boxes. It's like a camp set in the middle of the cold house and it painfully reminds Baekhyun of long nights spent singing old love songs and sobbing on Kyungsoo's shoulder every time one of his old relationships went wrong.

When he realizes it, he feels the cold bite of fear soften the hold on his chest. After Chanyeol disappeared, a few weeks ago - no reason, no final message, just the ghost of his taste on Baekhyun's lips - Baekhyun has always wondered if the other boy has simply left because he had been bothered by the thing that was happening between them, or if he was scared, or if he was... Baekhyun is not allowed to hope, but he hoped, he hoped so much, that Chanyeol, behind the cold, professional exterior, was just as much as involved as him, that the little gestures, the almost invisible slips and cracks in Chanyeol's armor were a sign that Chanyeol felt something, anything for Baekhyun. He sighs, relieved, and it's too loud, it startles them both and Chanyeol freezes and stops and Baekhyun bumps into him.

He doesn't know how it happens, but then Chanyeol's fingers clamp on his wrist and suddenly they're staring at each other and there's no way he can watch the other way now.

There's a hint of stubble on Chanyeol's jaw, a dark shadow tainting the skin. Baekhyun has always seen Chanyeol perfectly shaved, impeccably dressed, always in control, hidden behind his dark sunglasses and his rigid, professional bows. He's felt Chanyeol's fingers curling on his arm in a protective manner whenever the crowd was too loud and too close and he has seen Chanyeol's eyes following him in large rooms, never letting him out of Chanyeol's sight.

But this Chanyeol, with his big eyes and, now he can feel it clearly, the way his fingers shake around Baekhyun's wrist... Baekhyun has never seen this Chanyeol, who looks on the verge of a breakdown and there are words - desperate like his eyes, soft and pleading and angry and disconnected - hanging at the corner of his lips. He always had to struggle against the cool armor of professionalism and control, tearing at it with teeth and claws, ripping it open with sultry stares and half smiles.

But now the armor is gone and Chanyeol is here, he's real, looking much more unsure and vulnerable than Baekhyun has ever seen him, and the young singer feels too dressed, his face too heavy with make-up, his facade too bright and perfect and out of place in front of a man who looks so exposed. It's not fair, and this is not how he wanted to have this conversation, when the shame of having been found while nurturing his broken heart, weak and dirty and miserable, lingers at the corners of Chanyeol's eyes.

Chanyeol's stubble is harsh against Baekhyun's hesitant fingers. He never breaks eye contact as he slowly reaches for Chanyeol's face, slow and careful, as if he was dealing with a wild animal. The first touch has Chanyeol trembling, violently, and he narrows his eyes to thin slits, leaning his face onto Baekhyun's hand with a harsh gasp. Baekhyun's wrist is still trapped in his hand - he couldn't step back even if he wanted it, he wouldn't step back even if he could do it - and the boy faintly wonders if Chanyeol would follow his hand back if he were to retreat it, if he could lure this beautiful man down and kiss him, feeling the harshness stubble against his own sensitive skin.

He lets out a shaky breath, too close to a moan, and he feels Chanyeol tensing under his fingertips, his eyes growing impossibly dark. So easy, just a little step and...

A laugh, his own laugh - he blinks stupidly when he recognizes it - shatters the bubble around them, and time begins to flow again. It's the television, and the stupid show he filmed last week, and for a second Baekhyun despises that sparkly version of himself beaming sweetly on the big flat screen. Byun Baekhyun, the man who managed to cockblock himself.

He sighs, pats the arm of a still confused Chanyeol and carefully disentangles the hold of his long fingers. "You should shower, you smell."

Chanyeol blushes. "Oh, yes... I wasn't expecting... But you're right, I should..."

"Don't worry, you can go. Take your time, I had Kyungsoo clear all my schedules for today. We really need to talk, Park Chanyeol."

He doesn't know whether to feel discouraged, smug and satisfied or downright seduced by his former bodyguard's confused expression. He lets Chanyeol excuses himself and slips away in the direction of what Baekhyun supposes is the bathroom.

"Come back only when you're decent, Park!"

The door slams on his last word and only then Baekhyun lets out a deep breath. Everything feels so difficult now that he’s here, but he’s a man with a mission. He won’t back down now.

Chanyeol washes himself quickly and mechanically. The water runs around him, bouncing against the glass walls of the shower. Its tickling swallows even the sound of Chanyeol's thoughts. He wonders what Baekhyun is doing, if the other boy is simply watching his own show on the television or nosing around the apartment. Still, he wouldn't been able to find anything more compromising than the mess inside the living room and he has already seen that.

Chanyeol sighs and turns the water handle to a cold temperature to fight the blush spreading on his chest and unknot the tension in his muscles, residual effects of his previous rendezvous with Baekhyun.

He shaves, brushes his teeth and puts on a simple shirt, letting the fabric hug his shoulders. Baekhyun may have gained the element of surprise in coming here today, but Chanyeol has the home court advantage. Baekhyun may have alluring eyes, intense enough to light a fire in Chanyeol's veins, but Chanyeol has felt those eyes glued to the long, lean lines of his body long enough to know that he too has his own secret weapons to use against Baekhyun.

When he comes back into the living room, Baekhyun is waiting for him at the window, his reflection standing like a ghost between raindrops, eyes closed, just listening to the melody of the falling water. It suits him, Chanyeol thinks, this melancholic setting, this aura of fragility. They could make a good mv out of a concept like this one - a ballad song about waiting for a lost love while staring at the rain through a big window, something heart wrenching and intense. Baekhyun would slay it, but the filming of such a music video would be a messy matter. The boy literally can't keep still. He's always bursting with energy - even when he's tired, especially when he's tired - vibrating, rumbling with laughter and drumming his fingers on every available surface.

But he'd look good, oh, he'd look amazing, turning towards the camera with his most serious expression, eyes deeper than the ocean and as lonely, with that tear of hope shining silver in his dark irises. Chanyeol's breath catches in his throat, a prisoner of those black eyes.

There are too many questions he wants to ask, but the soft sound of the rain hitting the glass and dribbling away drinks and swallows everything else.

Baekhyun is still looking at him, like the main character of a sad music video, like a tragic hero without hip-thrusting choreographies or sparkling effects, only the raw power of his voice and the intensity of his face. Chanyeol wants to kiss him so badly it's almost painful to stop himself.

"Baekhyun, I..."

A finger halts his lips, traces them carefully, and Chanyeol kisses that finger, feeling so daring, and he sees Baekhyun's eyes narrow and his breath halt. Push and pull.

It's Baekhyun, it's always Baekhyun who teases, who smirks, who stares and touches and demands and breaks Chanyeol to pieces, putting him back together lost and confused.

Chanyeol doesn't ask, this time. "You came here on your own," he only says, his voice firm and sure.

"Since you walked away. One of us at least had to do the right thing."

"Do you really think that coming here was the right thing to do?"

His voice sounds harsh, mocking, even to his own ears. Baekhyun's career, his own reputation is on the line, and Chanyeol hasn't spent a single night since that cursed kiss without regrets. He regrets surrendering to Baekhyun's wishes, letting this lonely kid force his own crush on Chanyeol - this talented, amazing kid, this pretty boy with a steel will, how could've Chanyeol stopped him. He regrets putting everything Baekhyun has ever fought to build at stake just because he couldn't control himself - and he failed, as a bodyguard, because now when he look at Baekhyun he doesn't see someone he has to protect, but someone he wants to protect at every cost. More than anything, he regrets pulling away after that kiss. When Baekhyun, feverish and confused, had opened his eyes on that hospital bed, Chanyeol shouldn't have run away. He should've stayed, to pry those lips open and lick inside, to make Baekhyun's eyes roll in pleasure and his body blaze with another kind of fever, a sweet, suffocating sickness, the heavy addiction to a pleasure that only Chanyeol could've given him.

"Do you think I shouldn't have come?"

Soft, demure, like Little Red visiting the den of the wolf. If Chanyeol didn't know better - if he hadn't already fallen prey of this wolf in a red cap - he'd think Baekhyun has fallen in his trap. But Chanyeol knows very well that Baekhyun is everything, the innocent child, the wolf, the most beautiful trap.

"Do you think I should've stayed away, when everything I've done, Park Chanyeol, since day one... Everything I've wanted... And you thought I would've let you walk away with that pathetic excuse of a kiss I can't even remember?"

Proud Baekhyun, who only wants the best, strong Baekhyun, who always fights for what he wants, cunning Baekhyun, who's always a step ahead of everyone else. Fearless Baekhyun, who kisses like he's dying, like it's the first and the last time, fearless Baekhyun who trembles and bursts and molds himself against Chanyeol while his teeth pry the skin open and his tongue licks at the wound, so petty, so conceited, so afraid to be pushed away. Fearless Baekhyun, who stares into Chanyeol's soul and only says, "This is our first kiss, the other time doesn't count because I can't remember it."

Then, taking his time, he kisses Chanyeol again.

forgive me this is probably the only update you'll get before september and it's gross and short and i haven't touched this au in more than six months so this was the best i could do in half an hour :'D

/goes back to her hiatus thing/

au: idol&bodyguard, pairing: baekyeol, writing: bday gift, *fic:exo

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