Jan 09, 2011 17:17
Hmm, what happen in my life lately?
1. I got a job! As a research assistant in Biochemistry department. That's good I think XD
2. My father bought me a car!!! OMG, I can't believe I actually have a car! My own damn car! gleee~~~~~~~~ Its Hyundai Atos. *except the fact i haven't drive even once after i got my license 9 months ago*
3. I will move out from the house. I'm not a mommy's daughter anymore T_T I hate being adult!
4. Oh gosh, I will be 23 in 10 months time! Gosh! gosh! isn't that super old?
5. and there's ryoda ficolate exchange! I will try my best to write a decent story! Yosh