xkcd made me chuckle. :D
Also! I went to the
Bungle Bungles on the weekend and not only was it awesome and mindblowing, but I also was introduced to the joy of camping that is powdered instant mashed potato. Met up with my preceptor this morning after we got back, (he lent us his 4wd for the trip) and I love how laid back he is! the other student in Ktown has an anal retentive preceptor who wants her there on the dot, and wont sign anything unless he's personally seen her do it (even if a nurse has supervised her), but my guy encourages me to see a bit of the country whilst I'm here. In the end, I think this is a huge influence in making me want to work here when I'm qualified. It's also damn beautiful. There is just so much variation in the land around me, the colours are so strong, and when you're flying over it, it goes on forever. I spent most of last week flying out to the rural communities - which was a nice way to break up the term, and also incredible to see how people can service such isolated places. Also you get free packed lunches when you go along on these trips, and so far the quality has far exceeded anything I can be bothered making at home :P The joys of student life! Yesterday on the drive back from Wyndham (borrowed another doc's camping gear) there were bushfires all along the land - some even right on the roadside! It's so eerie driving through that at night. All you can see is the orange glow of the fire fronts, and the occasional plume of purple/blood red smoke rising up through the darkness. Was quite relieved to have Adon there, who said it was just a controlled burn.
Here, have a photo of the trip: (will put the canoeing ones from the previous weekend up, later)