
May 04, 2010 19:02

Went to a remote clinic in Kalumburu. Just an hour long flight on an even tinier Cessna, but today we were headed north west. It's a small Aboriginal community founded by Spanish missionaries, and a GP visits the clinic there every Tuesday. This time I went with Dr. Ted - an old guy with a long flyaway beard and a loud booming laugh, who was decked out in shorts and a half done up shirt. There weren't enough clinic rooms for me to see patients by myself today, so instead I alternated sitting in with him and this really quiet & young doc from Kununurra. The 2 nurses here really seem to run the show and know absolutely everyone! Was sitting in the waiting room in between the rush of patients these two little girls ran up to me and said I looked like a doll, and then proceeded to tell me everything about themselves. It was very perplexing, but they were very cute so all is forgiven. (and I guess its better than being called a pineapple or something). Around 1.30 we took a break for lunch and Dr. Ted took me on a walk around the town and we had a good chat. The warm air, cool breeze, crunching gravel and tropical feel reminded me so much of PNG. Really really love it here. I began contemplating actually working long term in a place like this, more realistically than the vague 'maybe one day' ideas I'd been entertaining before. One of the nurses said to call later in the week to see if I could hitch a plane trip back to stay a couple of days by myself. Sounds really awesome, especially if I manage to do it next week, but if it falls on a weekend I wont be able to as Adon's coming up. ( :D) Still feeling exhausted from the weekend as I've had to get up at 5.30 in the days since. Going to indulge in a sleep in tomorrow, though!

bottom of the medchain, hello world

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