Nov 26, 2011 10:53
Hello, everyone! The word and character limits for the SOPs for programs I am applying to vary from 500 words to 5,500 characters. Because I wrote my statements with the 500 word limit in mind, my statements for the 5,500 character limit schools are in the 4,000 character range. I'm feeling minor pangs of guilt that I'm not using up all the characters available to me, but feel like the admissions committee appreciates will appreciate me being concise. While the 500 word limit seemed scary at first, I think it helped me eliminate a lot of fluff.
I'm curious if anyone else was way under the limit like this. It seems silly to feel guilty or like I should add more in when I feel like I've said what I need to say, so I want to know if any of you are/were in a similar position.
word counts,
statement of purpose