field switcharoo

Nov 21, 2010 22:15


First post.

I'm an autodidact of sorts.  My interests include:

1. History of medicine
2. Actual medicine
3. Olympic history
4. Neuroscience/neurology (see #2 above)
5. Writing about #1-4

I'm applying to a MA program in writing that I almost have enough credits for (took as a non-degree seeking student prior) and will likely not have to finish in residence, provided I get in (have to be officially admitted to be granted the degree per graduate college regulation).  I have a BA in English. I want to be in graduate school so I can have the access to journals I once had and the university setting and support.  I have at various times considered the following:

1. PhD in neuroscience
2. PhD in history of medicine/science
3. MD (need to take some classes; want to pursue but would likely want to be enrolled in a graduate program while taking the undergrad classes required for prerequisites on the side)
4. MFA in writing or art (also have side passion in art but am likely not going to pursue an MFA in a fine arts discipline) (not currently interested in pursuing anything besides what I am already applying for because I have already taken enough classes for a master's in writing)
5. MBA (got accepted to a program, then lost my job so I figured it wouldn't be worth it to pay for out of pocket--it was going to be an evening/weekend program paid for by my employer)

I am still interested in any of the above, possibly minus the MBA unless it was coupled with an MD, and mostly minus the MFA b/c of the above mentioned reticence. I love being in school. Would it be weird to apply for a PhD program in neuroscience? Could I get in? My BA has some psychology/neuroscience classes on it, one history of medicine graduate seminar (the only one available at my school), three semesters in a lab (social science) doing research, a heckuva lot of English classes, and some AP credit in biology. I graduated cum laude and wrote an undergraduate thesis in English but it was on a medical subject. I have specific research interests that overlap somewhat between history of medicine and neuroscience and am currently working on a book that started in my history of medicine graduate seminar as an undergrad about an aspect of 19th c. American medicine. I will attend two or possibly three conferences to present my research in history of medicine next year. I apply for grants to fund my research projects and trips to libraries. I hate continuing to put "independent scholar" next to my name. I long for a university affiliation again. I've been out of school a few years.

What is required to get into a neuroscience PhD program? Is it OK that I haven't done lab bench stuff prior? Is there any place that wouldn't require the GRE? (wishful thinking?) What about history of medicine without a history BA? Anyone else been in this situation?

x-posted to academics_anon 
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