Princeton Review practice exam?

Aug 04, 2010 22:28

Hello all! So did anyone do any Princeton Review practice exams before taking the GRE? How did your score then compare to your actual score? I ask because I just took a practice exam, and my score was much, much lower than I thought it would be based on the questions. For example, for the verbal, it says I got 80%+ of them correct, but that translates to a 550, according to PR. Is that what the actual exam is like? I always had the impression that due to all the arcane vocab/dumb analogies, people could get maybe 60% right and still end up with a nice 600 or so. I know it also depends on whether or not the questions you miss are in the first/second/third set of ten questions, but most of my problems came during the second half of each section.

Another question--how similar are PR questions to actual test questions, would you say? What resources would be better?

Any input is great, especially since this practice score freaks me out (I'm taking the test in two weeks-ish. eek!)

gre score, princeton review, gre

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