Question (esp. to science majors): how do/did you go about finding the right grad school? Where did you start?
My situation: I'm graduating from Russia's leading university in June 2010, with a degree in Biochemistry (Molecular Biology). There is an absolutely fabulous topic I dream of studying (ncRNA), which is really "hot" right now, so many many many researchers all over the world (and in the US too) are working on it. Pretty much at least one group in every department in every Uni. So, basically, other than making a list of ALL the bazillion schools out there, where do I start? ((And - I'm interested mostly, though not exclusively, in grad schools in Australia and Europe - does anyone here have any info on how finding out about/applying to those actually works? (1). But advice on US schools is really welcome too - I'm still not completely "decided" on what (or, actually, where) I want to go to grad school.
Thanks in advance!!!
(1) I mean someone who has actually been through it, not what I can read on the website.
I'm sorry if this has been asked before or is self-evident for most of the readers of this community.