PG&E Info

Mar 16, 2009 17:53

A speaker from PG&E's Pacific Energy Center came in for a talk today, I gleaned some handy take-away bits and bobs:

PG&E is 31% renewable (a mix of small renewables and large hydro; <1% is photovoltaics); 20% is nuclear. Lots of natural gas (about equal to renewables total), and a sliver of coal.

Pacific Energy Center:
Water Conservation class (free, no registration) on 3/24
Most classes require registration, at

Other links: (for PV rebate rates)

PG&E offers an insulation rebate of $0.15/square foot. This will be discontinued in 2011, probably.

U-value of 1 is equal to a wall; SHGC value of 1 is equal to a hole in your wall.
SHGC of 0.32 is good for commercial buildings in CA climate
It may be that in desert-like areas of CA, a first generation Low-E window with tree shading outside is more effective than a 2nd generation Low-E window.

Typically 400kWh/year (was 2000 kWh/year in 1970).
Should aim for 10 year replacement cycle

climate, energy, san francisco

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