Let Congress Know...

Mar 12, 2009 21:15

The streets are for everyone.

The Complete Streets Act, introduced in the House by Rep. Matsui (H.R. 1443) and in the Senate by Sen. Harkin (S. 584), would direct state and metropolitan transportation authorities to adopt and implement complete streets policies for upcoming federally-funded transportation projects.

Complete streets provide a full menu of transportation options to meet the needs of everyone using a road -- pedestrians, cyclists, the disabled, and users of public transportation. They are cost-effective because they save money on retrofits and reduce congestion, improving conditions for existing businesses and attracting new development. They help us reduce our oil dependence by making it easier for people to leave their cars at home. And complete streets improve safety for everyone and encourage healthy and active lifestyles, saving our state money in future health care costs.

One-third of Americans either can’t drive or choose not to. We need to provide all of our citizens with transportation choices in order to get to work, school, shops and medical visits, and to take part in social, civic and volunteer activities. We need to change old road building habits so that road projects consistently take into account the needs of everyone using them.

It can all start with the Complete Streets Act of 2009. Please, become a co-sponsor of this smart legislation.

transport, streets, usa, politics

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