1. Pop News:
Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday. All my female colleagues were buzzing about it.
I couldn't help being amused by the whole thing. Yup, schadenfreude.
Initial autopsy results are undramatic.
2. Richard Branson doing good?
A $25 million "x-prize" for atmospheric carbon extraction 3. I don't particularly understand why
this is a story. We all know the Saddam-Al Qaeda link and nuclear threat was a pack of lies by now. Great that the likes of OMB are finally coming around to that, but it just serves to delineate the point of how broken the oversight system is.
4. Plus more statements of the obvious -
the difficulties of Baghdad's markets amid the fear 5.
Holy Frozen Disaster in New York, Bateman!
1:150 US children have autism - I suspect the methylmercury tunafish sandwiches, myself.
7. More
protests against the porn studio in the old Armory - but they've already made 3 films, and are entirely in zoning compliance. Actually, it reminds me of something else I love about my city ... yes it has a granola-crunching, Birkenstock-wearing, free-loving, hippie-smoking reputation - but there remains a sizable contingent of Pro-Lifer religios and corporate interests - and they even take the streets from time to time. I have a proper living city, full of disagreement, conflict, and everyday niceties.
And on
a related note, by VioletBlue's column.
8. Some bit of
good news for average blokes like you or I. :-)
9. RIP Ian Richardson -
FU dead? What? what? He had such presence, voice, and gaze. He owned the role of Francis Urquhart.
Bless the rake - US society is all too serious, even on the
patently ridiculous.
11. I'm quite confused about
this latest clash in Jerusalem. I just don't trust that I'm getting enough information. NPR stated it has something to do with Muslim suspicions that the Israeli ramp renovation will undermine the foundations of al-Aqsa mosque. There were also early reports that the initial group of worried/angry Palestinians was dissuaded from protesting by an Israeli Parliamentarian.
But what is this really about?
-Palestinian suspicion of anything Israeli (especially big construction equipment) so close to the al-Aqsa?
-Poor information outreach by the various Jerusalem authorities so that worshippers and cityfolk would know what was happening, when, and why? (plus poor stakeholder buy-in, to use some of my jargon)
-A blatant attempt to politicise, to regain focus on 'the Israeli threat' when Palestinians have been shooting eachother in recent days?
-A cloaked attempt by Israel to damage al-Aqsa, come what may?
Norway's seed vault design - always with the tunneling.
America's Favourite 150 buildings 14. Airplanes! Pics from
Aero India 2007. That
MIG-35 looks really impressive, and appears to have many of the performance characteristics and systems equal to the F-18E/F. Funny, given the naval aviation role given to the
SU-30. Lastly, I just can't help loving the
Ug! Anti-semitic violence goes Web 2.0 .
16. Just how
Down & Out can one get in Beverly HillsLos Angeles?
Pretty god awfully! "A hospital van dropped off a homeless paraplegic man on Skid Row and left him crawling in the street with nothing more than a soiled gown and a broken colostomy bag, police said."
My city will put up with public urination & defecation, public insanity, and shocking violence in some quarters - but that's one thing we don't do.