Going to the gym sucks

Jun 17, 2008 01:46

I have no motivation or whatsoever.  I really hate doing something out of force because in turn, it only leads me to quit miserably.  I need inspiration! Motivation! And fun!

I went three times last week and I've only been running on the treadmill and have only tried the elliptical once.  What I do is walk for 15 minutes to get my heart rate started, then I run for half an hour, and then add the elliptical somewhere in the end for about 10-15 minutes.  The elliptical, I find boring.  I don't mind the walking and running, but when I was on the elliptical I just lost all interest.

Hmph.  I'm going again tomorrow and I am NOT looking forward to it! Tell me what motivates you to get in to shape people!

Oh and I'm thinking of going vegetarian.  Yeh I know, I laughed at myself, too when I said that out loud.  But I want to try.  Dude, I know I'll probably give up within a day, but it doesn't hurt to try! Any vegetarians on my f-list?! Meal ideas? Pictures you wanna show me that'll guarantee my success in this? Haha.  I should watch this video my brother made me watch when I was younger.  I can't remember what it was called, but it had all sorts of tapings from real people who died horrible (and not to mention brutal) deaths.  Like, there was one man who went bungee jumping/paragliding and landed in an alligator pit and was mauled and eaten alive within minutes.  You could see his arms and legs, all in the flesh flying around while the gators fought over his limbs.  It was really brutal to watch, but I watched it anyway! All I could hear was the person video taping screaming and yelling something in another language and by the time the ambulance got there, all you could see was his intestines swimming around the pit.  I still can't believe I watched that.  I was probably around 11 or 12 years old.  But after that, I couldn't eat meat for weeks!



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