(no subject)

Sep 13, 2009 17:03

Axel and cRiku have a conversation via communicator. \o\

ninAxel: *derp lying in bed, dozing a little*

cRiku: +over in Agrabah. which people aren't too fond of him here, so he's keeping his distance, and since Sora just did his hug fakeout, he's disappeared. ... and wants to talk to someone, so he calls Axel up.+

ninAxel: *orly* *kdshgf what, I'm awake. stretches to reach communicator.* H'lo?

Kai: *is there, but slips out the door to get food while Axel's on the phone*

cRiku: ... hey. +taps his hand against the wall he's leaning against. kind of smirks at hearing his voice.+ You sound sleepy.

ninAxel: *vaguely surprised, but hides it. with sleepy.* 'm always sleepy right now. *stifles a yawn* What's up?

cRiku: +carefully chooses his words, sounding deliberate when he speaks.+ ... nothing, much. Bored, and the lovebirds are off getting things for their nest.

ninAxel: ... *is quiet for a moment* Not very considerate of them, but what're you gonna do, right? Where are you guys, anyway?

cRiku: Agrabah. I think you'd like it here. Full of sand and I think my shirt's sweating.

ninAxel: *snrk* Sounds like I'd be right at home. And I'd sure as hell rather be there than stuck in this bed. You should get me a souvenir.

cRiku: ... +looks around at the shops. hmm. :|a+ Bottle of sand okay?

ninAxel: Sure. *sounds cheerful enough about it*

cRiku: ... I was kidding.

ninAxel: *:<* I wasn't.

cRiku: ... uhh, then... +hm.+

ninAxel: *:|*

cRiku: I guess a bottle of sand'll do. I'm not too good with presents, anyway. How're you, anyway? Besides... sleepy.

ninAxel: Uhhh... bored. Still worried I'm gonna get my ass thrown in prison again. Wondering how people here are going to take down the rest of the Organization, and if they'll manage to find Roxas. Y'know, pretty boring stuff. *snrk*

cRiku: Oh yeah, really boring. +half-laughs, though it... kind of fades.+

ninAxel: *yeah, really, idk what's wrong with our senses of humor ._.*

cRiku: +.__. yeahh.+ ... this ... kind of sucks.

ninAxel: *sighs quietly* Yeah, it does.

cRiku: I don't want to be with just Roxas and Sora, here. Sure, it's fun, but...

ninAxel: *dryly* Would you rather be with us, here? Or on the ship, where there's hardly anyone left at the moment?

cRiku: ... no. +and sounds pretty damn depressed about having to answer that way, tyvm+

ninAxel: *softens his tone, sorry* Everyone's going through rough times right now, it seems like.

cRiku: Yeah. I guess so. +slumps against the wall, slowly coming to a sit.+

ninAxel: ...you guys should take Paopu with you off the ship, sometime. It'd be good for her.
ninAxel: And for you, I bet.

cRiku: I don't know. She might get hurt.

ninAxel: Pfft, yeah right. Sora trained her to be a nin-dog. She can take care of herself.

cRiku: ... sure.

ninAxel: Come on, I can tell from here you're being grumpy. I'd tickle you over the communicator if I could.

cRiku: I'm not being grumpy. I... +pauses, before sighing.+ I guess I'm just not used to this. I'm used to a big group now.

ninAxel: Yeah. I miss the big group too. But it allows for other things like this, like... would we be having this nice one-on-one conversation if we were all still one big group in the same place?

cRiku: +slight sigh, leans his head back so it thumps against the wall.+ No, guess not.
cRiku: ... but I'd still like it. +pauses, kicks at the floor.+ But I'd like a lot of things.

ninAxel: *:C* I wish... that a lot of things were the way they used to be. But that's life. Things change, and a lot of the time it makes one person happy and a whole lot of other people kind of bummed. Or everyone gets bummed. *sighs* That's why we all need people like Soras, and Kai. And... Paopu.

cRiku: What do you do when the Soras are bummed, though? ... and let's say Kai is unavailable, due to a missing key to handcuffs.

ninAxel: Then you still have Paopu! She's a dog, and dogs are hardly ever unhappy.

cRiku: +short sigh. he shouldn't want something like physical contact this badly, especially when he's sort of against it, but... groan.+ I shouldn't want to go down there. It'd be a mess...
cRiku: I'd be a mess.

ninAxel: You could just come and visit my sorry hospitalized ass. Ammy could come get you from the gates and bring you right here.

cRiku: I guess I can't visit your hospitalized ass in spirit.

ninAxel: *cheerfully* Nope. Come on, you could make it a practical visit too. I can ask Kai if he needs anything from the ship, since I doubt he was planning on staying down here this long.

cRiku: ... shiit, bring Kai into this, and you know I can't refuse.

ninAxel: *C:* I know.

cRiku: Fine, I'll come visit, after we're done here. ... maybe once people are back, I can go back to bedjacking.

ninAxel: Sounds good to me. More people to cuddle up to in bed is always a good thing.

cRiku: ... yeah. +sounds sort of emotionally distant with that.+ I guess. How many people do you have left to ax?

ninAxel: Uhhhhh... *has to think* ....five, but everyone's agreed on the fact that I'm not going to be fighting unless they need my help. I'm just sticking around to help them track the remaining people down, and give information on them.

cRiku: Sounds better than the alternative. We don't want Kai having nervous breakdowns.

ninAxel: Yeah... I shouldn't have run off to fight Xigbar alone, but there was no time to wait for backup. Hopefully with my help no one else will get the jump on the village.

cRiku: ... +falls quiet. wonders how they'd hold up against their Organization for about the millionth time.+

ninAxel: *stifles a yawn* So is it daytime there?

cRiku: Yeah. ... hey, do you think... +trails off+

ninAxel: ...what.

cRiku: Nevermind, it'd probably be too risky.

ninAxel: No, tell me. Or ask me, whatever.

cRiku: I'm wondering if maybe we could help fight. I mean... we're... +struggles with this, not because he believes it isn't true, but...+ ... family, right? +he's still kind of afraid of having a family.+

ninAxel: Yyyyyesss... I don't know. It's a whole different kind of fighting from what you're used to, I think. And while I at least would be totally okay with you helping if you wanted to, I'm not sure how the other ninja dealing with the Organization would feel about it.

cRiku: S'what I thought. ... I'd be okay with healing on the sidelines, but I might get in the way.
cRiku: +tone of voice: "Or that's what they'd say."+

ninAxel: Well, I can think of at least three people who would stick up for you doing that, anyway.

cRiku: Sora, you, and Kai? +:|+

ninAxel: Oh right, and Ammy.

cRiku: +sighs quietly.+ Looking at it realistically, only Sora has some semblence of power to stick up for me if I did that. Since you wouldn't be fighting, neither would Kai, and... I don't think Ammy's all that interested in sticking up for me that doesn't mean violence.

ninAxel: I think... if the rest of us are, then she would be.

cRiku: You think she'd talk it out with Riku instead of shoving him on his ass? +|:+
cRiku: Why don't I believe you, hmm...

ninAxel: Heyyyy. *>:|*

cRiku: +small smile.+ Okay, I ask about that too, when I go down there. ... just for a little while.
cRiku: I still have worlds to save.

ninAxel: Sounds like a plan. *C:* Call me or Kai before you head down here?

cRiku: No, I'm going to make it a complete surprise.

ninAxel: *:|*
ninAxel: You're a smartass.

cRiku: My ass thanks you very much.

ninAxel: *opens mouth and inhales to say something, but then thinks better of it* *clears throat*

cRiku: ... uh-huh.

ninAxel: ...you have a very nice ass. *tone makes it clear that that is a much better thing than he was originally going to say :|;;*

cRiku: Yeah, it's very polite. +:| having to stop himself from laughing.+

ninAxel: *fgjhdlol*
ninAxel: So hey, are you gonna bring me a bottle of sand. *was totally serious about that before*

cRiku: I'm getting to that!

ninAxel: Well gosh, no need to get so defensive about it. Maybe the heat's getting to you. *still loling a little from the ass thing*

cRiku: It probably is. +grump.+

ninAxel: Trust me, deserts are way better at night. How much longer are you guys there?

cRiku: Not too long, I hope. Depends on how fucked the place is.

ninAxel: Well, you're sitting around on your polite ass, and the wondertwins are off doing who knows what, so I'm guessing not too bad. *>_>*

cRiku: +cRiku: +light knocking+

ninAxel: Maybe if I call Roxas and bug the shit out of him they'll wrap things up and you can come visit sooner.

cRiku: Eager to see my polite ass? +:|+

ninAxel: Yes? For multiple reasons, one of which is that I'm sure you need hugs.

cRiku: ... you can't hug in your condition.

ninAxel: The hell I can't. Do you even know what my condition is, besides "injured"? *:|*

cRiku: ... I wasn't given details. +>>+

ninAxel: Okay then. I can give hugs, jeez. I could probably get out of bed and walk around, but I'd have like five different people making stern faces at me if I tried.

cRiku: +smirk.+ Good.

ninAxel: *>:|* You suck.

cRiku: I blow, too.

ninAxel: Nice to know. So do I.

cRiku: +... k, he has to lol+

ninAxel: What, you can't tell me this comes as a surprise to you.

cRiku: No, it doesn't. I think Kai told me a fantasy of his once... you, writhing on the floor, with him, riding your mo--
cRiku: --oh, looks like they're done.

ninAxel: . . .

cRiku: I'll get that bottle of sand ASAP. +click+

ninAxel: *sdfjkgh*

*kai, !log, *axel: ninja, *riku: canon, !ic

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