warmth of the sun

Sep 13, 2009 04:55

Ammy's tired. ): And she's visited by a strange spirit. ... aka Issun.

Ammy: +awr. she was taking a little siesta outside the hospital room, and is still groggy when she wakes up. ... bzuh--oh, right. ninjaplanet. she sighs and slumps a bit, her head tilted back to stare at the ceiling. ahh, how is Nippon's state, she wonders...+
Issun: *cue Issun's theme- I mean uh*
Issun: *suddenly, bouncebouncebounce on your knee*
Ammy: ... +blink. glances at her k--...+
Issun: *distracted by that chest there* Huh, I was aiming for someone else, but I don't think I'm gonna complain just yet!
Ammy: ... Issun!
Ammy: --no. +settles back, looks away.+ It must be another trick of my mind.
Issun: *pauses, then bounces higher to get a proper look at her face* I know I'm incredibly handsome, but why would you be daydreaming about me, babe?
Ammy: ... you've still quite the small brain, even as a dream.
Issun: *STEAMS, DRAWING HIS SWORD* What did you say?!
Ammy: And still the same temperance. +tilts head to the side, sweatdrop-esque+
Issun: Wait a second... *getting all up in your face now, before tumbling off in surprise* F-Furball?!
Ammy: ... +watches. blink.+ Odd. I supposed dreams recongized the dreamer.
Issun: Why do you look- *attractive* -human?
Ammy: I can change forms whenever I please. The form of a wolf is much more ... +pause, thinks.+
Ammy: Discreet, than this body.
Issun: I'll say. *hops back up onto her knee* But why didn't you ever change into this form when we were traveling? I bet we would've gotten into some places way easier!
Ammy: I had started the journey as a wolf. It would've been odd to change in and out. +blink.+ And much less practical.
Issun: If you say so, furball. *it certainly would've given him a lovely hiding spot. he is totally watching his mouth a little now that he knows Ammy's a hot babe, because for all his bravado, she is a damn dangerous god >>;*
Ammy: ... +tries to catch him with her hands :|a+
Issun: *--caught!* Hey! What's the big idea?! *angry bug in your hands-*
Ammy: +draws him close to her face, studying him.+
Issun: *looks like his regular, kind of fuming self! if a little surprised by being so close suddenly*
Ammy: +aaa lets him go, back on her knee.+ You've yet to fade.
Issun: Fade? What the heck are you talking about? *bouncebounce*
Ammy: As all dreams do, they fade. You couldn't be real... this is such an odd place for you to show up, as well.
Issun: Does all that fur take over your brain when you change forms? I'm no dream! *>:|*
Ammy: +this is my i don't believe you face+
Issun: *bouncefume* I thought you were smarter than that! No way am I just a dream!
Ammy: +light growl >:|+
Issun: *draws his sword* I'll prove it! *...not that he's sure how*
Ammy: +waiting.+ ... yes? +:|+
Issun: *lowers the sword a bit* Uh, just gimme a second, furball. *turns around so his back's to her, trying to think*
Ammy: ... +flicks him off of her knee.+
Issun: *smacks into the wall. you can practically see the stars swirling around his head ):*
Ammy: +smirks a bit, before looking towards the door.+
Issun: *bounces back up after a couple more seconds, only swerving a tiny bit as he heads back to her. have a tiny tiny Galestorm HE'S LEARNING OKAY >:|*
Ammy: ... +leans forwards, some of her hair blown away from her eyes.+
Ammy: Quite a nice breeze. Thank you.
Issun: *...pokes her with his sword*
Issun: *the metal one-*
Ammy: +moves her foot away >>+
Issun: *hops back onto her knee* What can I do to convince you I'm not some fantasy of yours?
Ammy: ... +pauses, seeming to think--then quickly averts her gaze.+
Issun: *SAW THAT. bounces* What? C'mon, furball!
Ammy: Absolutely not.
Issun: Fine! Maybe I am just a figment of your imagination. I'm still here!
Ammy: Yes, yes. Now you should go before one of these shinobi think of me as insane. +:|+
Issun: You're hanging out with shinobi?
Ammy: ... +tilts her head from right to left, before--+ I suppose you could call it that.
Issun: What happened to going to the Celestial Plane? *is from like. right after the game, for serious*
Ammy: +smiles a bit, perhaps bitterly.+ I arrive at the place I am needed, not the place I want to be.
Issun: I guess that makes sense, what with you being a god and all... *frowns thoughtfully*
Ammy: +she would give you a headpat, Issun, but... might squish you :|a+
Issun: *yeah no squishing please*
Issun: *unless it's between your friends there-*
Ammy: +B|+
Issun: *...is that a no?*
Ammy: +that is a may Yami squish you no.+
Issun: *aw*
Ammy: +... closes the door, as it's starting to creak open. o axel you snore so loudly+
Issun: Wow, that guy sounds almost as loud as Susano. Who is it? *tempted to go see*
Ammy: One of the shinobi I look after. +:|+
Issun: A shinobi that loud? *looks disbelieving*
Ammy: He's quite good. As was Susano, and are you not skilled with your sword?
Issun: *.....................................--!* Hey!
Ammy: +LOL+
Issun: *--erk, flickers a bit* Well, looks like it's time to go. *bounces up in front of her face a few times* I'll see you again soon, furball! Maybe next time you'll believe I'm more than just your fantasy! *grins*
Ammy: +sigh!+ If you say so, Issun.
Issun: *Blooms up a pretty flower. looks like he's gotten better with that technique, at least* Try not to look so down all the time, Ammy! That ain't like you. *vanishes lol sorry ;;*
Ammy: ... +blinks. then picks up the flower, studying it. smiles, and leans back. that was a nice dream.+

*ammy, angst/baww/sap/etc.

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