Title: ?? (any suggestions) [bad romance]
Paring: Jaeho, Junchun
Length: chaptered (Forewords/?)
Genre: crack, romance
Rating: Pg13-Nc17
Summery: Jaejoong asked a complete stranger to be his husband..what can go wrong? Alot.
A lump on the bed groaned as the sunlight attacked his tried face. Sleepy he pulled the blanket over his naked torso and head. Getting ready to drift back into dreamland until-
“KIM JAEJOONG! GET YOUR SKRAWNY BUTT DOWN HERE!!” His mother loud voice ranged through the hallway.
Groaning some more, he peeked from the little hole he made in the covers.
“Who gets up this early on a freaking Saturday?” He growled.
“IM COMING! IM COMING!” Jaejoong yelled out before his mother could get more furious.
With great annoyance, he went down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen.
“Good morning honey.” Mrs. Kim gave a peeked on his cheek before setting a plate of hot pancakes in front of him.
“So baby, I was thinking…..you need to get married.”
“What?!?” Food splattered everywhere due to the unexpected news.
“Sweetie wipe your mouth.” She glared at him before handing him a napkin. After wiping his mouth he asked again
(thankyou 'thephawlove' and 'ebucehtevlos ' for correcting me :D)
“Well……I just wanted my baby to be happy.” *pout* *pout* She gave him the full blast puppy eyes.
Before he could reply, his umma already took out her phone and scrolling down the contracts.
“Sanghee is a very pretty girl, big brown eyes and very cute too, but nah she has no butt. What about Jisu? She's also a sweet girl but she has one boob bigger than the other..Such a turn off…. Hmm….Su Young is -“
‘SHIT SHIT SHIT’ Jaejoong thought in his head. Then an idea popped into his head.
“Umma I can’t!”
“Why?” She demanded
“Because..Because…IM GAY!! YEAH GAY!!”
“Oh, well I’m fine with that. My boss has the hot son name Jihoo and he..”
Jaejoong looked at his mother like she was from another planet, but she ignored him, still scrolling down her phone contacts.
Jaejoong tried to think of another way to get out of this, then-
“WAIT Umma, I’m straight!”
“Then Soo Young Is-“
“Boy choose your preferable gender already.” His mother demanded.
(you can just imagine her doing the head bobble xD)
soo....can anybody recommend me a title for this fic *puppy eyes* >.< my brain is so fry!
please(: and thankyou <3
hmmm......so....i can't use the troll excuse for my extended period away from livejournal soo....
here i go.
the reason i havent been writing is because i lose my muse ):
yes my muse so if you see me muse please return it :D!!
-Thank you ^^
*sign* Yunho you're going to be the death of me one day!! SO CUTEE!!
a/n: i miss you guys <33
[Chapter 1]