Title: Forever Home - Chapter 97 of 100
Author: Shadowc44
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kadam (Kurt Hummel/Adam Crawford)
Rating: R
Spoilers: AU. If you’ve seen Kurt and Adam interact, you’re good.
Summary: Adam is bored, and realizes he needs a companion. He decides to adopt a hybrid human/cat.
Warning: Mention of past abuse (non-sexual) from other
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I was thinking mainly the mother-daughter stuff paralleled Rachel and Kurt, and how she's sort of abandoning him and getting lost in her own dream. I just wish Rachel didn't have to learn the same lesson over and over, that her friends also have hopes and dreams, and she sould try to value the things that are important to them. Kurt has always been supportive, and she just expects it, but is rarely there for him. Maybe that's from missing the nurturing she might have gotten from a mother.
I thought it was interesting the Chris put in the line, "All my life I've pretended to have one." I can't think of any instances in canon where we've seen that, but it's obviously part of his head canon for Kurt. He's laid down on the floor surrounded by the smell of her perfume, but it seems like he just transferred the tea parties to Burt.
I'm sure there are some people who grow up emotionally stable if they don't have a mother, or two parents, but a lot do have various struggles that they can't seem to talk to anyone about. The type of thing you might talk to a mother about, if you had one. I wonder if having a mother in her life might have tempered Rachel's ambition with some other goals, and maybe made her more compassionate? But as Kurt pointed out, her bedroom was kind of overkill in the "girly" department, so she or her dads were maybe trying to make up for that lack of female influence in the home.
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