NEWS Ranking

May 28, 2010 01:44

My Userpic is Ryo in Kanjani8, though this post is a NEWS post. I need another Userpic for Ryo/NEWS.

Today I'll be posting my NEWS ranking. Rank NEWS here.

RankNEWS Ranking
Favorite (Top) to
Least Favorite (Bottom)

Ryo-chan and Kei-chan tied in first place! I've always admired Ryo-chan for his portrayals in JDramas, and Kei-chan for his dorky-ness and being a good host in Shounen Club. I also first saw and liked Kei-chan in his episode in Yukan club. Angsty Kei-chan is love. ♥ I first saw Ryo-chan in Ryusei no Kizuna, then on 1 liter of tears, then on Last Friends, then on Orthros no Inu. My favorite portrayal out of these four is in Orthros no Inu. Back then I really thought he killed Hikaru's character, but he didn't. xD

Massu is third! I really liked him at Rescue and Gachi Baka. I actually wanted his character to end up with Kurokawa Tomoka's character. Hahaha. Anyway, I didn't notice him at first but then suddenly I started to like him too. Well, he's too cute to resist, and I like his hair style. xD

Tegoshi is fourth. Saw him at My Boss My Hero, Gachi Baka and YamaNade. I loved his roles in the first two dramas, but in YamaNade, not much. When it was announced that he was portraying Yuki, I was like, why give Tegoshi a girly character? Well, saying girly I meant the weak, pa-cute type, the kawaii instead of kakkoi type. Anyway I liked the part when he confronted Kame's character Shohei in episode 6. Hahaha!

Shige at fifth! I don't remember when I first noticed Shige. o_O I'm always listening to NEWS's songs, and I'm always looking for Shige's voice. Maybe the first time I noticed him was when I was able to distinguish his voice. Hahaha. I'm currently watching Troubleman, please give Shige more air-time! And oh, I love Alibi btw.

Yamapi is last. I don't hate him. Really. He's the first person I knew in NEWS because of his JDramas (I first saw him in Seishun Amigo). Well, most of the time, the most popular ones don't end up as my favorite. I still admire him though, as a singer and an actor.

Done. *sigh* Classes again tomorrow later. Good thing we have no classes on Quality class (10:30 am - 12:00 nn) which happens to be my first class, I'll be able to sleep for few more hours. :D

Good mor-night! :)

news, ranking

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