this is now jane's food's topic: canter's and milk

Jul 31, 2007 03:42

Not really, but I seem to be foodblogging often. Anyway.

A long time ago..over a decade probably...I remember one of my friends brought over some food from Canter's one day and told me that I absolutely had to try the pickles because they were awesome..I had no flipping clue what Canter's was, and I didn't really like pickles. I wasn't really hungry either, so I didn't really touch the food then, but later that day when I was hungrier, I ate.

And well, the pickles were orgasmic, and they were all gone within seconds cause I'm a slob and I shoved them all down my throat. No not really....I ended up savoring each pickle individually until they were all gone.

Ever since then, those pickles have been the standard to which I hold all other pickles.

So, you'd think I'd have gone back to Canter's like, all the time to get pickles and lots of pickles because they were so good. Well, I go once in a while for whatever reason. Never ever ever ever ever have I encountered the same pickles I so vividly remember eating again. It's been a long time since I first became really disappointed at the lack of pickley awesomeness...every single time I go to Canter's all I can think about are those pickles. And Canter's pickles that I've eaten for years are nothing like what I remember eating that day. And what I remember eating is something I sure as hell wouldn't forget, cause I normally hate pickles.

I miss those pickles.


I normally hate milk too. But one day, I spotted a glass bottle of milk at the supermarket while looking for some cream to make some ice cream. I had to buy it just because it was so cute.

I love milk. Correction...I love the glass bottled milk, because it tastes a lot better than the milk that comes in plastic bottles or cartons.

Broguiere's whole milk for me. Everything else tastes like puke. And even though it's not entirely as cheap as buying a ton of the cartoned crap, it just tastes better, so I use it in everything from my latest craving for blueberry pancakes to ice cream. And whatever else needs milk. And those occasional times I want to drink milk. And whenever I have a craving for broguiere's chocolate milk that is absolutely godly (eggnog too, but there's a few more months to go for that...).

There's about half a dozen bottles sitting in the kitchen that need to be returned from this month alone.

I probably didn't even think about drinking that much in a year before I really started to buy glass-bottled milk, let alone in one month.


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