Mar 29, 2005 21:29
Oh so I totally forgot to mention that I checked out the series premiere of "Grey's Anatomy," the newest doctor show on ABC (it's temporarily, I hope, replacing "Boston Legal")...normally, I don't watch doctor shows--not even E.R., with dreamy George Clooney. But this one looked more like Ally McBealish--as in, yeah we've got medical stuff, but, as Homer Simpson would say, "with sexy results."
It was maybe not as fabulous as the previews made it out to be, but hey, it definitely meets The Desperate Housewives test (dude I am totally revealing the obscene amount of television I watch)--as in, it's better than Desperate Housewives, which is about the lowest I'm willing to go in regular TV-watching experiences. Maybe a Bachelor episode here and there, but nothing religious. I'll definitely be tuning in next week.
Anyhoo, just finished up with my last set of students' oral arguments. One of my students was just AWESOME--he went twice to make up for the fact that our class has fewer students than the opposing side's class, and the second time the judges were SO MEAN (on purpose)--he could've gotten totally hammered by their questioning, but he took it like a gentleman, not phased at all. I'm so proud! Not that I really had anything to do with his success, but at least I can say, "Hey! He's my student!" Dang, I love teaching. Maybe after I finish making piles and piles of money (since, let's be honest, I love, perhaps not money itself, but the things money can buy), I'll volunteer to be a Moot Court instructor, or Legal Research and Writing Instructor. I hear Stanford's program sucks, so maybe I can make it better laff.
Totally wiped out, but I'm gonna do a little bit more reading for Corporations--be responsible yadda yadda. My man is at the moment playing in an intracompany basketball game (so late in the evening!), so I'll just finish this stuff up and maybe watch an Ally McBeal episode until he calls to say goodnight. I like that he plays basketball--kind of in the way that I like how he changes flat tires...there's just something so *manly* about sports, changing tires, etc. Ah yes, deep down, I am truly ingrained with gender stereotypes! Who knows? Maybe I'll just quit law school and become a housewife--I like baking anyway, and cleaning isn't so bad (minus bathroom...peeyoo)...
Yeah right. I'm much better being stubborn and opinionated and anal retentive outside of my own home...and for money!