Seattle thoughts/NYC thoughts

Nov 14, 2010 17:09

As different and same at the same time. Seattle is more preppie and into recycling everything etc and there is something familiar of the smell of trash and pollution. Taking a bus in Seattle doesn't give the same feel as speeding along underground in a subway that evoked memories the moment I started walking down the stairs. Lots of pretty girls in Seattle that all seemed single but their personality type for the culture there may have something to do with it. NYC brings a lot of ethnic mix when I can hear a dozen different languages while roaming around the museum. The food in the NW was great but cannot compare to the stuff I grew up on.

I was thinking on the airplane ride to NY the concept of "home". To some they believe in the expression of home is where the heart is. To others they say home is where you hang your hat.

The Met was fun. Got turned around a few times and kept ending up in the same areas. It's a different age when you look at some paintings and think : too much pixelation. The special exhibit on Yuan Dynasty Chinese art was well done. After 3.5 hours wandering around, I had my fill.

Posted via LjBeetle
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