Cisco Voice, blahness, chats

Sep 13, 2010 22:14

So after cramming a lot this weekend, I took my Cisco Voice test this morning. I passed. Test 1/5 done for the Cisco Certified Voice Professional. And somewhere in there I need to squeeze in a CCNA test. Perhaps even a CCNA Voice test. Next week I'm scheduled to take the Troubleshooting Unity test. Yay more studying.

The other day while out, Ernie suggested that my additional blahness of late is due to actually having received my orders to leave here. And it probably does lend a great deal to what I've been feeling lately. In general we do tend to be resistant to change. Only 7.5 weeks before I leave now.

So maybe I have things wrong, but doesn't being on a messenger client usually mean that you want to chat with people? That if you don't, you just don't log into something like AOL Instant Messenger, or Yahoo IM, or Skype, or Trillian, or MSN chat, or whatever your flavour of choice is. And that if you just want to leave yourself logged in for the sake of people being able to leave you a message, that's fine. And that's why they made away messages and status messages right? That to put up an away message saying you're out or not around means if I send something to you, you'll probably not respond for a while but usually you'll get it. And if I were to have my message as "around here somewhere", it means I'm available to talk, but might not be the fastest in responding. Or I'm available, or my sleep message is up. And if I've told certain people that if I didn't want to talk, I wouldn't be on, that would mean something right?

We had a power outage this past saturday so I went shopping and errand running to kill time while not studying (aka procrastinating). I ended up at the PX on Kadena and thought I needed a new air freshener for my beater car I have until I leave. Not a huge selection so I picked up this cucumber melon one, and it reminds me of Merina.

I'm thinking about my future visit to NYC to see my parents. I have a memory of once saying to friends that I'd be in the city and the first words from one of them was, "great, we can go to the Met!" Ah, the caliber of my friends and how after not seeing someone for a while, the thing they want to do when we get together is go to the museum. I'll probably see about hanging out with my cousin Angela since she's attending NYU now. That neighborhood was my old stomping grounds. I'll have to see if any of the other EpSigs will be around to hang out with.

Laundry is almost done so I'll be heading to sleep once I grab my stuff.
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