8 weeks and a wake up

Sep 08, 2010 23:57

I don't wanna do combatives tomorrow. I can only hope my next unit does it less. However, I often do not look forward to combatives but it always does provide a good work out and I learn some stuff and try to get better even though I do suck at it horribly. Last time we were doing it for sergeant's time training as well so it was 4 hours (give or take) worth, and about 2.5 hours into it I had received a blow to the face which resulted in a nosebleed. I did some more of the drills after it stopped but did not want to do any of the active battling portions lest I make myself, my opponent, and a good chunk of the floor bloody. I always think it is good for unit morale too.

Getting closer to the final out from here. Trying to do more prep for my section to make sure the continuity maintains. Make sure everyone has the right tools and such since it seems some people still do not have access to certain things. Prepping one of the young soldiers for the soldier of the quarter board and if he wins, his pic will replace mine at the battalion headquarters. There is still a lot to do before I leave here I feel but also at the same time, I know that there isn't that much and that this place will continue running smoothly without me. In the meantime, I'm also going to work on taking the Cisco certification tests for CCNA and CCVP before I leave. Got one lined up for Monday morning so it'll be a weekend of study and review.

Still playing EQ2 on and off in my free time. So many new areas and changes that I have to adapt and explore. Just working on maxing out my crafting, harvesting, and making some extra platinum to afford upgrades for all my toons.

I'm still overall in a blah kind of mood. I have periods of emotion but for the most part it has been mostly apathy. I'm not sure what exactly will shake me out of it. I know some of the things I want to do but it would only be temporary and definitely not good for me.

So in my last entry I made a comment about FB drama, and of course, the old days of the LJ dramas where friends argued, etc in the comments and posted their own responses to things other people were posting, and unfriending them, and all that. It'll probably always happen as that is how humans behave and react. I will be no different because I do not want to pent it up. Sure, I could always lock this entry so that I wrote it out to get it down, and then make sure no one else ever reads it to stir up anything. But then, not too many people even read/write in LJ anymore that I have as friends.

I do feel the need to get this stuff out of my head though because if I don't I may not sleep thinking about it. I can only feel a burst of anger and disappointment at something I read in the ex's LJ. Of course, she says she tries not to read my LJ these days but it doesn't mean it might not get back to her anyway. Of course, reading her LJ was about the only way I ever knew what was going on in her mind since she always seemed to hold things back regardless of how much I told her it was what I wanted to hear. Even now she probably feels she cannot talk to me or communicate with me.

I suppose I'm glad she's found a new relationship and things seem to be working out for her so far. I'm glad she's enjoying her dating of this guy because we never did any of that stuff because we were always only in a long distance relationship where we could never do any of that stuff. That even at one point she said she didn't believe I wanted to get married so we could be together so we could actually date. That's fine. Obviously there must have been aspects of me that she never ended up knowing about me, so obviously more the reason to have taken my out of the relationship. That all the quirky stuff I did manage to do she never thought would translate into such things as I recall mentioning a short while after I got here that I would have loved to explore this island and all it has to offer with her and share in such experiences here and anywhere else I was stationed all over the world.

The ex had only recently found out before I broke up with her that in my time on leave before I came to Japan I had spent time with a girl I met while in NYC. I never told the ex about it because she didn't need to know regardless that it happened after we had broken up again. That I spent a lot of the time getting to know her just walking around lower Manhattan together and talking, only stopping to take in a cup of coffee because we were both "working". And that when we actually planned a date, we were going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but that never did happen. Instead we ended up just sitting in a park watching children play on the playground and doing more talking. I rarely consider dinner and movies dating, since food is a necessity and entertainment just happens. That I would have liked to go to the cherry blossom festival with someone rather than solo, and the ocean expo aquarium, the pineapple wine/food factory, the battle sites of Okinawa, etc. Exploring all the local food would have been good too.

Some day, I will end up in another relationship and do all the things I do enjoy on dates. And I will tell her the things I need and can only hope she can fulfill them. And if I can't adapt to what she is capable of, or if I cannot give her what she needs, it will end. Wash, rinse, repeat, until I find the match.

Just shy of midnight. Sleepy bye bye time. Tomorrow will probably suck.
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