Apr 30, 2006 18:36
Friday evening we spoke at Brown University. It was our largest panel yet, there were 6 of us speaking... David, Myself, Duane, Marvelyn, Shelton, and Nate. It was the first time I had heard Nate's story and it was pretty cool. Actually it was funny because we had both spoken at Emmanuel College - only he spoke the year before me.
I was a little disappointed - but not surprised - that there were only about 12 people in attendance. I guess I just got a feeling from the outreach portion that it was going to be a small turnout. The Q&A went well though so that was cool.
Afterwards we were rewarded with Dinner out at Fire&Ice and actually, I was surprised because it wasn't up to par with my usual F&I experience. Then after dinner we caught RV. I think it was only funny to us because we had spent the past few days in an RV and could personally relate. I felt almost that at the end of the movie we should have stood up and made an announcement that that was why we were laughing so much so people in the movie theater didn't just think we laughed at everything. Oh well...
We've been in Boston the past few days. It's nice to get away from the RV and the RV life. Tomorrow we're speaking at Clark University in Worcester, which I've never heard of so we'll see how that goes....
I really don't have a lot of computer access at the moment, so if you have my cell #... use it.