Jul 15, 2009 00:25

Post! I know, shocking.

I also just realized how appropriate this icon is--it's from an episode of House where they were all called out of an evening gala to work. Hah! And here I am, been working since 8:30am, and haven't stopped since for more than like...10 mins...and even then, we were still talking about work. GAH.

SO: I'm in Syracuse, NY, with my boss, Michael. We're working on a pretty intense trial, and I'm working my butt off. I'm also learning a TON, getting to know my boss better, and, did I mention, learning a ton?

I'm also blogging my ass off for work. I go to the trial all day, take COPIUS notes (srsly, never stop writing, from like 9:30-5 each day), get home and BLOG about it all. I wrote 16 pages, double spaced, in less than 5 hours, and it still wasn't fast enough--we need to get this stuff up FAST so people can read it, but it needs to be GOOD and ROCK|me|HARDPLACE. FAIL.

Anyway, I'm having a great time, though I'm not sleeping much and am totally exhausted. This is what I want to do with my life, it really is. We're helping these people, we're making things change, and it feels amazing. I'm so glad to be a part of it all!

FOLLOW @TLDEF ON TWITTER, NOW, MMKAY?! Also, go to to read my blogs. Tuesday's kind of sucks right now, we really have to edit/update it, but there it is.

I hope y'all are well, I'm flisting while blowdrying my hair, and while waiting for stuff to upload/download, so I'm caught up with y'all, though I haven't been commenting.

Seriously, though,




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