Mar 03, 2007 21:27
Top Five Quotes
1. "You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing," and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself."
2. "Just because you own half the town doesn't mean that you have the power to run the rest of us. For twenty-three years I've been dying to tell you what I thought of you! And now... well, being a Christian woman, I can't say it."
3. "Ze penalty for braking ze Siegfried Oath is DESS!"
"Dess? Is that anything like death?"
4. "Sgt. I don't think the guys like me."
"Why, what makes you say that?"
"They wrote me a note: 'Wally, we don't like you.'"
5. "Gazeem was obviously less than worthy."
"Oh, there's a big surprise. That's an incredible... I think I'm going to have a heart attack and die, from that surprise!"
(I also really like:
"You'll come out or I'll... I'll... I'll break down the door!"
"Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the girl's affections.")