Jun 23, 2008 20:06
What a great show Dexter is - original, exciting and unpredictable. No-one in the show is quite who they seem to be and there is just enough (black) humour to balance the horrific crimes. Even then, the show is not particularly graphic - most of the horror is suggested rather than shown.
The personalities of the main characters are spot-on. Dexter himself seems to be an INTJ - he's extremely intuitive, detached and orderly, but has a core of strong personal values which hints at tertiary Introverted Feeling. I had an INTJ friend in the UK who also had strong personal values, but once told me she was willing to kill a man who had a death wish and had promised to pay her a fortune to carry out his murder! Thankfully, it didn't go ahead (as far as I know), but I still believe she would have gone through with it. Scary stuff indeed.