The 5 question meme

Nov 03, 2009 15:56

OK...ganked from amavia who asked me the questions below. Here are the instructions:

Respond to this entry with "Resistance is Futile" and I will ask you 5 questions. Post the answers and these instructions to your journal (if you wish!)

1. What path led you to your current job at *** (place of employment)?

So back during the dotcom boom, I finished college. I was working in my all time favorite job ever at a rare book and manuscript library. It didn't pay very well. So what did I do? I became an admin assistant (ahh, thanks! liberal arts education!). It happened to be with Big Bad Red university's business school -- in their IT support dept. They were losing people left and right and asked me if I could install software. Tired of typing, I said sure and that is how it began. I always liked tinkering with computers and am a long time d0rk on the net (during BBS and dialup days), so it wasn't unheard of for me to know my way around a computer. As the years progressed (now in my 12th year of doing this), I liked the dynamic nature of the job. I can do a million jobs and learn them very VERY quickly, but get bored as quickly. This job changes enough that I have not fallen quite headlong into boredom. Also, it is one of the few things I can do legally that pays me enough $$$ to live comfortably.

2. Your foodie nature - how did that emerge in your life?

I grew up in my mom's kitchen. I used to sit with her while she cooked. I did the same with my grandmother. Of the 3 kids in my household, I was the only one with any such leanings, so my mom and grandma both enjoyed the interest I took and I learned a ton by watching them and asking questions. I was addicted to watching the French Chef on PBS. Julia Child was funny and goofy but the woman could cook..and I loved that about her. My palate did not come into its own until I grew up a little and decided that I was going to be vegeterian. I remained so for 12 years and let me say that that was the BEST education in other cuisines. I am ALL about tastes and flavors, so discovering other ethnic foods opened the door.

3. What do you consider your most geeky trait, and are you proud or embarrassed by it?

Oh mon dieu are there many. It is hard to pick one. I am geeky about languages, literature, food, history, art, etc. I guess the most prevalent these days is my net addiction/net presence. I get twitchy without internet access. VERY VERY twitchy.

4. How different is your life now than what you had intended it to be when you were younger?

Quite a bit. I went through the general kid wants to be x, y, z sort of interests. However, from high school on, I was supposed to go to an Ivy and then go to a prestigious law school. I derailed junior year. Had you asked me then that I would be a profession computer d0rk, I would have laughed, said something pithy in Latin, and gone along my merry way. (Ok maybe not the second bit). I was supposed to be a suited up ruthless lawyer. HA. I hate suits.

5. If you could live anywhere on Earth, all things being equal (job, comfort, etc), where would you live and why?

Since I already live in my favorite place, I will choose something different. My first runner up choice would be London. I LOVE that city. It has history and character line none other and the weather is delightfully gloomy for a pasty one like me. It is sophisticated and cosmopolitan and diverse and everything I love in a city.
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