[changmin/yunho] just the two of us

Feb 14, 2011 01:36

title : just the two of us
pairing : changmin/yunho
rating : pg-13
words : 2831
summary : yunho always spends valentine's day with changmin and this year won't be any different
a/n : happy valentine's day ♡! homin exchange fic for simp_anna , i hope that it's to your liking! :) would like to note that the beginning of the fic is actually the end, feel free to read it any way you'd like, i'm trying out a new style/format idek how to describe it T_T also, just a quick warning, this isn't exactly the happiest of fics for vday.

February 14th, 2011

Yunho arrives at the cafe ten minutes before 3, smiling as he takes his seat by the window, a box of chocolates he’d picked up from the local drugstore in his hands. He sees Changmin parking his car and waves a little, holding up the heart-shaped box with a sheepish grin on his face, standing up when the younger man enters.

“Here,” he says with an awkward-sounding laugh that he’s perfected through the years, “for you.”

“Again, Hyung?” Changmin says, accepting it with a laugh of his own, shaking his head a little but ripping the wrapper off all the same. “Mm, it’s the ones with the caramel center,” he says appreciatively, popping one into his mouth, “thanks! You always know which ones to get me.”

Yunho grins, so easily pleased by Changmin’s words and sits down again, ordering a cup of hot chocolate when the waitress stops by to take their orders.

“You’re staying for a drink?” he asks curiously as if he’s expecting Changmin to have other plans, blinking at the older man, his face so carefully blank.

Changmin shrugs and nods, biting into another chocolate square, “Yeah, Eunmi broke up with me a few days ago. Can’t say I didn’t expect it since she’s been acting weird lately but I didn’t think I’d get dumped days before Valentine’s, you know? And you know what, she did it in the lamest way possible too. She left me a card and stuck it under my door, told me that she didn’t want to see me anymore and that she’s going away so I shouldn’t bother writing.”

Yunho drops his mouth open a bit before he reaches over to gently pat Changmin’s hand on top of the table, “Well, forget about it then. Like you said, you’ve been expecting it, right? It’s so rude of her to just leave like this. If she’s going to treat you like crap then you shouldn’t even be upset about the breakup. You’re better off without her, Changmin-ah.”

The younger man nods his head and bites at his fingernail before tapping his fingers against the tabletop, sighing as he gives the older man a half-smile, “I guess I thought she’d be different. Things were going so well with us.”

Yunho nods sympathetically and he gets up to drag his chair closer to Changmin, reaching over to give the younger man a big bear hug, arms wrapped tightly around Changmin’s body. He waits for the younger man to relax against him, rubbing comfortingly up and down Changmin’s back, turning a little so he can whisper against Changmin’s ear.

“You’ll always have me, Changmin-ah. I won’t leave, promise. It’ll just be the two of us.”

February 11th, 2011

I don’t love you anymore Yunho calmly writes onto the notepad in front of him, his grip in her hair tightening as he pushes the paper towards her, tapping his pen gently against the line he wants her to read aloud.

She nods her head as if to say she’ll do as she’s told but he knows better. As soon as the call goes through and the line starts to ring, she bites his arm hard, most likely drawing blood but he’s prepared for it already, rolling his eyes as he slides his hand across her cheek and covers her mouth, fingers digging so tightly into her skin that he’ll know the imprints will still be visible hours from now.


Yunho looks at her and taps the paper one more time, giving her a less than impressed look, eyebrow raised a little as if challenging her to defy him again.

She does.

“Hello? Anyone there?” There’s a pause then, followed by a slow exhale, “Eunmi?”

She screams against his palm and Yunho just presses down harder in return, dragging her head back as he ends the call, dropping the phone back into his cradle before he lets go of her, tearing the paper off of the pad and balling it up to throw away.

“You should have read what I wrote,” he tells her, “it would have been less messy that way.”

She opens her mouth to say something, probably scathing or hurtful but Yunho doesn’t care to hear it. He picks up the socks lying on the table and shoves it right into her mouth, picking up his keys from the nightstand before he pushes her down onto the bed.

“Just stay here then,” he says, patiently tying her arms together with the fishing string, binding her wrists to the headboard, “I’ll be back soon with some food. Changmin always said that you liked to eat kimbap the best. Homemade too, right? There’s an Ahjumma down the street that makes the best kimbap I’ve ever had. I’ll go buy some.”

He leaves the room, walking past the girl at the front desk, smiling at her as he does so, leaving the motel with only his wallet and keys in hand. He returns with an extra bag of kimbap just twenty minutes later, some chlorox and a wide variety of over the counter drugs that he’s picked up at the supermarket.

Yunho runs through the plans in his mind just one more time, imagining the way he will feed her kimbap piece by piece, scolding her politely for wasting food if she spits it back out at him. He’ll probably have to cram it down her throat in the end, which really is quite the bothersome task, and he’ll ask her why she can’t be just a little more cooperative. Maybe she’ll bite him again and he thinks he’ll have to subdue her, force the cocktail of pills he just bought down her throat since she won’t be the kind to give up without a fight. He reminds himself as he walks into the room to find her struggling with the binding to grab a towel from the bathroom so he can hold it up against her mouth later on when she gags from the medication. He hates that part the most, really does.

Two hours later, he leaves the room with a duffel bag in hand, paying in cash for the room he’s just rented, remembering even to compliment the teenager at the front, telling her she’s got very pretty eyes. Yunho’s in a good mood again. There’s a postcard in his inner jacket pocket and a text on his phone from Changmin asking to meet up on Valentine’s Day for their weekly coffee date. Things went according to plan and the only adjustment he had to make was when she tried to claw at his eyes when he’d untied her so she could write that note.

Anyway though, bathtub’s been cleaned. Bedsheets changed. Fingerprints erased.

And an hour later after a pit stop at the local lake, body disposed of.

No one ever thinks to question the girl from the motel or the ahjumma down the block that had specially made him two rolls of kimbap with extra cucumbers.

In Gwangju, people don’t even bat an eye.

February 10,2011

“Eunmi-sshi? Sorry, were you waiting long?”

She looks up at him, lips a soft pink and her hair tied up in a messy ponytail, bag slung over her shoulder. Yunho notices that she’s wearing mismatched socks, smiling kindly at her as he takes a seat across from her. “I just got here too, don’t worry about it.”

Yunho orders a hot tea, lacing his hands together and resting them on top of the table. “What did you want to see me privately about?”

She bites her lip hesitantly before leaning closer, tugging a large manila envelope out from her bag, “I’ve been getting these weird...photos and messages on my cell phone.”

“Weird? How so?” He asks, gesturing towards the envelope before opening it up, eyebrows rising immediately as he takes a look at the photos of Changmin with his friends, all guys, hugging and laughing in some shots, probably a little bit too close for comfort. “These are...?”

“I don’t know!” She says, clearly distressed, “this is only one batch too. I’ve got a few more at home. Someone’s been sending them to me and I just don’t understand. I mean, what’s the point? There’s no letter, no nothing. It’s like they just want me to draw my own conclusions except I don’t know exactly they want me to think.”

Yunho gazes at her and then back at the pictures, looking through the stack before he slips them all back into the envelope, handing it over to her. “I’ll be honest with you,” he says quietly, “you’re not the first of Changmin’s girlfriends to come to me like this. I don’t know what’s going on with these photos but there’s been a few of his exes that have had...certain questions they wanted answered. If you’re wondering about something, maybe I can tell you but let me assure you, he’s my best friend and he’s a wonderful guy no matter what.”

She nods his head and sighs, “That’s what I think too,” she murmurs. “I really like Changmin. He’s a great guy and we get along really well. He makes me smile and I feel comfortable with him.” She smiles, head tilted a bit to the side, “I think I could fall in love with him.” She laughs and rubs her temple, “Who knows, maybe I already am in love with him!”

Yunho doesn’t laugh back, he doesn’t even manage a smile, standing up slowly to take her hand, telling her quietly that maybe, there’s something else she needs to see then if she’s really serious about the relationship.

He can tell she’s confused but she follows anyway. They always do.

To Gwangju it is.

February 9, 2011

“She hasn’t called me in a few days,” Changmin says with an almost there pout, moping as he lies on Yunho’s bed, throwing the ball up in the air a few times before passing it back to Yunho. “I really like her and I think she’s pretty.”

Yunho nods in agreement, “She’s beautiful.”

Changmin groans at that and flops over on the bed so that he’s lying on his back, head tilted over the side of the mattress, “Do you thinks she’s going to breakup with me too? Everyone else has,” he grumbles.

Yunho sighs at him and takes a seat next to Changmin, throwing the ball down on the younger man’s stomach just to hear the air whoosh out of Changmin’s lungs. “Don’t be stupid, she’d be a fool to breakup with someone like you, Changmin-ah.”

“That’s what you said about all the other girls and I’m beginning to think there’s something wrong with me,” he mumbles, “there’s got to be something I’m doing wrong if everyone keeps dumping me. They can’t all be stupid!”

“Well, they are,” Yunho says in a no-nonsense tone of voice, suddenly falling on top of Changmin to squish the younger man’s cheeks together, “I’m telling you, you’re the perfect package! You’re handsome and smart, witty and amusing, not to mention you’re probably a great kisser and so much fun to hang out with! Now tell me what sane person would break up with someone like that?”

Changmin frowns a little but it’s skewered considering how squished together his cheeks are, “It sounds more like you’re describing yourself than me.”

Yunho laughs, letting go of Changmin’s cheeks in favor of grabbing the pillow to whack the younger man in the face. “Either way, don’t worry about it, okay? Things will work out just fine.”

“You promise?” Changmin says, looking up at Yunho, his bangs falling over his face, yet another pout forming already.

“Promise,” Yunho says softly, brushing back Changmin’s bangs before whacking the younger man again, “and I always keep my promises don’t I?”

After Changmin leaves that night, Yunho sends off another package to Eunmi, slipping in a few photos from party a couple of years ago, wetting the sealant with water before taping it shut as well.

It only takes a few hours after that for the call to come in. Eunmi wants to meet soon. He hopes for her sake that she just wants to confirm with him her suspicions because to be honest, he’s tired and he’s got a full week ahead of him. If he doesn’t have to, he doesn’t want to take that five hour drive to Gwangju. It’s so tiring.

February 4, 2011

He sends the first batch of pictures off that Friday, wanting nothing more than to get this over with. He hasn’t quite gotten her character down yet so he doesn’t know if she’ll take the bait the same way all the others have before her. Girls are insecure and at the first sign of trouble, they split.

Usually but not this time.

Eunmi doesn’t seem too perturbed by it so Yunho sends more, carefully taking note of everything Changmin says these days about their relationship. Photos always work the best and these have never failed him before.

February 2, 2011

Yunho sits alone in the diner, most of the other customers long gone considering it’s nearing midnight but he doesn’t want to go home yet, not when he knows that Changmin’s out on a date with Eunmi. It’s Wednesday and Yunho always used to spend his Wednesday nights with the younger man, fooling around and playing video games, nothing of importance really but to Yunho, this is just another sign that Changmin’s leaving him again.

This is the third Wednesday in a row that Changmin’s skipped out of meeting up with him. He has a date or Eunmi’s coming over to study or they’re going to just chill and cook dinner together. All their conversations as of late have been about her. Changmin’s enamored just like he always is. It’s the honeymoon period, Yunho will tell him and Changmin just nods and laughs it off, telling him that he’ll understand once he gets a girlfriend of his own.

Yunho doesn’t want a girlfriend though. He wants Changmin. This isn’t a case of wanting someone and not letting anyone else have him, Yunho wants Changmin to be happy, of course he does, what kind of hyung would he be if he didn’t want his dongsaeng to be happy in life? It’s just that...Changmin’s going off to graduate school soon and if he gets too serious with Eunmi, he might just follow her across the country to a better University than the one he currently attends. Yunho can’t have that. Changmin would leave him then and he really doesn’t think Changmin’s ready for such a radical change.

Changmin’s rather hopeless without him. Sure, he’s independent and he can cook and clean by himself but Changmin’s weak and needs coddling at the oddest times. Before midterms and finals, Changmin needs someone to check in on him daily, he needs food brought to his door and sometimes even spoon-fed to him, preferring to have spicy ramen instead of heavy rice dishes and needing the strongest of coffees delivered by the gallon.

Does Eunmi know all of this? Of course she doesn’t because Eunmi doesn’t know Changmin the way Yunho does. No one does and that’s why Yunho has to stay with Changmin and vice versa.

The world is much too scary a place for them to be alone in. There’s nothing wrong with being co-dependent. Nothing wrong at all.

Yunho doesn’t need Eunmi around and neither does Changmin. After all, she’d just fuck things up in the end. Women always do.

January 21, 2011

“Yunho-hyung! Over here!” Changmin says in greeting, standing up with a big smile on his face, patting the chair to the left of him in a gesture for the older man to take a seat.

Yunho laughs and leans over for a hug, giving the younger man an amused look, “You’re so happy today, what happened? Did you get that A on your paper? I told you you would.”

Changmin shakes his head, beaming at Yunho in a way that reminds him of the first day he met the younger man in his freshman year, “Nope! Didn’t get the grade back yet. I actually- I wanted you to meet someone.”

It’s then that Yunho sees the large purse in the seat to Changmin’s right, a beige wool peacoat draped over the seat. “Hm, this is a surprise. Who?”

Changmin opens his mouth to answer but then he stands abruptly, eyes twinkling a little as he holds out his hand, lacing his fingers with those of a young woman’s. “Yunho-hyung, this is Eunmi. Eunmi, this is Yunho-hyung.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she says, shaking his head with a smile.

Yunho nods his head and grins as well, gripping onto her hand before letting it go, “Our Changmin’s new girlfriend? How lovely it is to meet you too.

!fic, l : one-shot, p : changmin/yunho, r : pg-13

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