I had to wake up BEFORE the crack of dawn this morning for driving practice. I'm thinking maybe a nap is in order. (Who was it that told me they took naps everyday? Somebody said that to me and I professed shock.) Anyway, my stupid exam is on Tuesday and I have to be there at 7:30 in the freakin' a.m. and I believe I'm doing another puppet show that evening. Also, my mom's having difficulty figuring out return airfare, so Australia may be delayed by a month or two. In the face of all these annoyances, I need a drink. A tall, dark and adorkable drink of water...
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HEROES S2! Fucking finally. Btw, I've made other World Tour
picture posts, so you can check those out if you like.
The only reason I would ever watch baseball:
Metro! <3
Ah... the yearly television fandom launch is upon us again, and this fall there's quite a number of new shows I plan to sample...
Journeyman - It has Heroes as its lead-in and a time-travelling journalist (HI, VORENUS!) who rights wrongs. Why didn't they teach us that in j-school? I could've gone back in time to make my first draft less crappy.
Reaper - I watched a clip somewhere of them trying to suck a demon into a vacuum cleaner and it was pretty funny. Also, it has that Canadian guy who's been in everything. However, if I get hooked on this I'd have to juggle it with Dr. House and King Henry - and it would've been Veronica too, but she's no longer with us. *sniffle*
(Speaking of House, I had the most RANDOM dream earlier this week about being at a train station with Chase and Cameron. I was really upset because Cameron was evil and had betrayed us somehow, so I was just standing on the platform crying into Chase's shoulder, and he was all like, "There there, I'll make her pay." Then the train came screaming out of the tunnel and he tried to push her down on to the tracks but he failed. Oh, Chase. It's the thought that counts.)
Pushing Daisies - It's Jaye's brother from Wonderfalls and he bakes pies and wakes the dead! I smell cancellation, but it should be good while it lasts.
Dirty Sexy Money - The title actually turned me off (I was like, "WTF is this, Las Vegas?") but then I saw the subway ad campaign with the family portraits and that made me curious. Sort of looks like ASoIaF's Lannisters of Casterly Rock if they got their own show. Hahaha.
No new shows to compete against the returning juggernauts. So here are some Wednesday shows that I might taste-test if I have the time:
Life - Rob Salem described it as Monk meets House, so I feel like I have to check it out just on the basis of that.
Private Practice - Apparently they tuned up the pilot, so maybe it'd be marginally better than that crapfest we glimpsed in the middle of Grey's. And maybe there wouldn't be any Addison character assassination... I'm not holding my breath though.
Bionic Woman - I want to see how they've been going over budget with the FX. Heh.
Moonlight - Broody vampire helps the helpless... aw, that brings back memories. You'll never be Angel, but at least you've got Jason Dohring.
Venezuela joins the random time zone club. "Welcome to Caracas and thank you for flying Chavez Air. The time is... (pause, chuckle, clearing of throat)... the time is... We are not quite sure. Please move your watches half an hour forward. Actually, no, sorry, move them half an hour back. Thank you." HAHAHA.
Every two weeks, a language dies. :-) turned 25. Somebody tries to sell Belgium on eBay. The Harry Potter cruise is really happening. Oh God.
In case you haven't heard,
Jim Broadbent will play Slughorn in HP6. Prince Caspian in all his movie poster glory. Glasses FTW!