Valkyrie Profile: Welch

Apr 01, 2015 10:31

Author: tehexile
Artist: ideare
Fandom: Star Ocean: The Second Story/Valkyrie Profile
Genre: sci-fi/fantasy
Rating: T
Characters: Chisato, Welch, Decus, Surtr, Freya, Shigeo Marsilio, Vesper, Indalecio, Ruprecht, Jibril, Nicolus
Pairings: Decus/Vesper
Summary: After an ill-advised virtual journey into his own unconscious mind, Decus is possessed by Surt. After tragically falling in battle, Welch is chosen as an emergency replacement Valkyrie by Freya in order to go and fight him, alongside two very strange choices of Einherjar. Meanwhile, Vesper un-petrifies Chisato to go and find out where Decus went, sparking even more internal conflict between the Ten Wise Men.
Warnings: spoilers, major character deaths, twisted humour with lots of fire and death

link: on AO3

art link: on LJ

((Admin - will there be an Apocalypse Bang 2014 group on AO3?)
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