Enemy of the World [author: del-rion, artist: penumbria-fics | fandom: Avengers (AoU), rating: PG13]

Mar 28, 2015 14:29

Title: Enemy of the World
Author: del-rion
Fandom: The Avengers (MCU)
Timeline: before/after “Age of Ultron”
Genre: Alternate universe, drama
Rating: T / FRT / PG-13
Characters: J.A.R.V.I.S., Tony Stark (Iron Man), Vision, Tony’s bots (DUM-E and U). Also: Bruce Banner (Hulk), James “Bucky” Barnes (Winter Soldier), Happy Hogan, Harley Keener, Pepper Potts, James “Rhodey” Rhodes (War Machine), Steve Rogers (Captain America). Many other MCU characters mentioned.
Pairings: Happy/Pepper, Pepper/Tony (implied/past)
Summary: After a war that lasted for ten grueling years, Ultron has finally been defeated. However, when Tony Stark reappears - presumed dead at the dawn of Ultron’s war on mankind - a frantic struggle begins between those who want to restrain him in order to protect their hard-won peace and Tony’s quest to comprehend how his actions could have allowed this alien future to be born.
Complete. Part of Genius, AI & Bots series (a ‘what if?’ AU related to the technopathy AUs and the story “The Ghost Attacks”).
Warnings: Canonical violence, language, character death (past/off-screen).

Artist: penumbria-fics
Art links: AO3 / LJ

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