Why Couldn't It Be Zombies? (The Losers)

Feb 17, 2014 10:51

Title: Why Couldn't It Be Zombies?
Author: taibhrigh
Artist: colls
Fandoms: The Losers
Pairing/Characters: Jesnen/Cougar
Rating: R/Slash (violence, language, and sexual content)
Big Bang: apocalypsebang
Word Count: 19600+
Author's Thanks: Thanks to to tarlanx and siluria for the beta. Thanks to colls for the wonderful art!
Author's Notes: This is a Losers AU. All the characters are present in some fashion or another, but some of them may not be as likeable as you hope when they are. You have been warned.

Summary: Specialist Jake Jensen is assigned a last minute mission that seemed like it was going to be a walk in the park. What he wasn't expecting was the apocalypse that started after, but who really ever expects that?

Story Link: Why Couldn't It Be Zombies? (on AO3)
Art Link: Why Couldn't It Be Zombies? (on DW)

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