Master List of Prompts Pt. 1 (Any & SG-1)

Nov 15, 2015 22:49

You can find the SGA, SGU and Crossover prompts over here.

If you haven't already, please read the the rules before claiming a prompt.

Some of these prompts will look familiar while others are brand new. The prompts are sorted to the best of my ability and roughly in alphabetical order, but if you're looking for a particular character, search is your friend.

Prompt claiming is first come, first served. Please check that no one else has claimed your prompt before requesting one.

If you're claiming a current prompt, please post your claim on the post where it appears. If you're requesting an old prompt, please request it on the rules post.

The Prompts

Prompts for Any Show

1. Any, “Death is not the greatest of evils; it is worse to want to die, and not be able to.” -Sophocles

2. Any, “Don't provoke a snake unless you have the intention and power to cut off its head.” -Saddam Hussein

3. Any, “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

4. Any, “We don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. Freedom is like that. It's like air. When you have it, you don't notice it.” -Boris Yeltsin

5. Any, “Whom the gods favor die young.” -Plautus

6. Any, he/she saw alternative realities & in all of them his/her life is better.

7. Any, McKay did manage to dial the ninth chevron on Langara (SGU episode "Seizure"), but he wasn't right about its safety. Now SG-1/SGA/SGU has to deal with Langaran refugees who are quite understandably upset about their planet blowing up.

8. Any, the SGC has compulsory therapy for scientists who blow up planets. Welcome to group, Doctor.

9. Any - "Aim for the knees!"

10. Any, "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war" -Act 3, Scene 1, line 273 of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

11. Any, A device brought back to Earth causes all electronics to fail

12. Any, Fake apocalypse - some superior race or Q-like being 'fakes' the end of the world to teach someone a lesson about something.

13. Any, honestly, she had never expected to hear another voice again.

14. Any, how could something that looked so cute and fluffy be so deadly?

15. Any, Zombie apocalypse.

16. Any, "There comes a time when a house has been so damaged by termites that you must not only kill the termites... but demolish the house..."

17. Any, "Without wanting to sound overly dramatic, the fate of the Galaxy may be at stake."

18. Any, ...but the timing was clearly a gift from Murphy.

19. Any, A clock ticked time, loudly into the silence.

20. Any, A single light shone in the darkness.

21. Any, A zombie plague breaks out on Earth. Anyone who dies, no matter the reason, turns into a flesh-eating zombie.

22. Any, After it happened, no one remembers except her/him/them. They all just walk blindly to their deaths like lamb to the slaughter. It's up to her/him/them to do something about it.

23. Any, All that was left was the pictures on her/his phone and the battery was dying.

24. Any, Alternate realities suddenly begins merging and the different versions of people become victims to Entropic Cascade Failure. Eventually the result is a lot more people than they started out with, including people who were dead in the "main" reality, and people they had never seen or heard of. Worst of all? No one knows anymore who's side anyone is on.

25. Any, An omnicidal maniac is bent on destroying the multiverse.

26. Any, Any, Anyone with the ATA gene, both natural and through the gene therapy, suddenly go on a killing spree. On Earth this causes a chain reaction and people start using whatever is available to kill anyone they've had even the slightest argument with. By the time it's all over more than half of the planet's population are dead (and millions are injured), including nearly all in government, law enforcement, and military.

27. Any, Any, Someone in one of the cults who just want to see the world burn has spread it's members all over the whole world, especially in the major cities, and one day they release large quantities of a new strain of Anthrax/something extremely deadly. Simultaneously.

28. Any, Any/Any, Tune out of your darker side / Regret, revenge, will eat you up inside / Head up, work that dignity / Let it bounce, let it fly, and make them history (Whistle While You Work It by Katy Tiz)

29. Any, Forlorn holiday decorations in an empty building.

30. Any, He was there when she woke up, but when she went to bed, he was gone.

31. Any, He/She always expected to die alone.

32. Any, He/she never should have left.

33. Any, He/she supposed there was some irony in the fact that the only library book to have survived the furnace was [insert literary work].

34. Any, He/she was startled by the sound of another voice.

35. Any, It looked even worse by daylight.

36. Any, It was a long way to travel, and he/she wasn't sure who would be there when he/she arrived.

37. Any, It was still raining.

38. Any, People say there's comfort in knowing. They were wrong.

39. Any, People suddenly started dying for no reason and without any kind of warning. They just died wherever they were standing or sitting.

40. Any, Pushing that button was the hardest thing he/she had to do.

41. Any, The dead are rising. All of them. No matter how long they have been gone, and the diseases they died of are effectively killing the living.

42. Any, The end would happen regardless of what they did, but if the device worked they'd be able to send their consciousness back in time 100 days.

43. Any, The last sunrise.

44. Any, There was no where else to go.

45. Any, They are becoming less human every day.

47. Any, Triple apocalypse: aliens, all/most technology stops working, and natural disasters.

48. Any, When the power breaks down unexpectedly, they discover they've been trapped in a virtual reality for centuries - waiting for the day when Earth could be re-colonised.

49. Mini!OTP. All they get is a text message telling them to get as far away from civilization as they can get, and to stay there for as long as possible.

50. OTx, aka infinite pairings/threesomes/moresomes. World goes kaboom, porn ensues. (What, you need more??)

SG-1 Prompts

51. Any, this image:

52. Any (though it would be awesome if you included Lord Yu!) - according to the Chinese “Fauna of Mirrors” myth ( ) in bygone days "…the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they are now, cut off from each other... Both kingdoms, the specular and the human, lived in harmony; you could come and go through mirrors. One night the mirror people invaded the earth. Their power was great, but at the end of bloody warfare the magic arts of the Yellow Emperor prevailed... He stripped them of their power and of their forms and reduced them to mere slavish reflections. Nonetheless, a day will come when the magic spell will be shaken off... They will break through the barriers of glass or metal and this time will not be defeated". It turns out that there is more truth to this myth than anyone anticipated when the SGC and the rest of the galaxy is attacked by invaders coming through the Quantum Mirror(s). Can they be stopped? And does/did Lord Yu hold the key to victory?

53. Any Daedalus/Apollo/Sun Tzu/George Hammond/Destiny crew, While they'd been gone, everything had changed. The only ship still flying was theirs. (Inspired by TNT's "The Last Ship".)

54. Any Goa'uld(s), the fall of the System Lords as seen from a Goa'uld's point of view.

55. Any Goa'uld, Earth is attacked by a Goa'uld who has become possessed by a (much) more evil alien.

56. Any Goa'uld - "Some people said he was a ghost
Wouldn't wanna be his host
Or just to meet him"
-excerpt from Boney M's "He Was A Steppenwolf"

57. Any Jaffa, Searching for survivors after the Tau'ri sent their bomb through to Chulak. (Set in the "There But for the Grace of God" alternative reality)

58. Any Russian Character(s), In the wake of Anubis’s devastating attack on Earth disclosure occurs and the world learns how US government put the planet at stake and took upon itself to fight a war against the galactic superpowers. With the Russian government deciding it’s about time the US “shared the burden” of global defense with others, [insert Russian character here] becomes part of the task-force aimed at capturing the Antarctic Outpost/Weapons Platform from the Americans. (Set in “The Road Not Taken” alternative reality, where according to General Hammond the US “barely got the chair out of Antarctica before the Russians moved in”)

59. Any Tau'ri female|Egeria, They managed to save the Tok'ra queen, but was it worth the loss of Earth?

60. Any Tau'ri, any Tok'ra, any Goa'uld, they have to cooperate in order to save the Galaxy from a group of Ancients that has decides the corporeal mortals of the Galaxy have had enough time to figure out ascension and goes on a killing spree

61. Any Tok'ra, any. It was a desperate, last attempt.

62. Any, "Nightwalkers" AU. The Goa'uld clones successfully infiltrate Washington, SGC and the NID.

63. Any, "Redemption" AU. The X-302 is used to drop the overloading Stargate into the ocean as McKay suggests. The resulting tsunami, debris and vapor thrown into the atmosphere wreaks havoc

64. Any, “Ark of Truth” AU. SG-1 fails in their quest to find the Ark of Truth, but the I.O.A.’s plan succeeds. James Marrick is able to infect the Ori motherships with the newly-rebuilt Replicators and the Odyssey is able to return safely to the Milky Way. Unfortunately, a few months later the Supergate is reopened/a new Supergate is built and the Milky Way is invaded by dozens of Replicator-controlled Ori cruisers. Oops.

65. Any, “Continuum” AU. Thanks to the butterfly effect, Ba'al's attack on the Achilles has led to the Cold War turning hot later on in the century. When Ba’al's fleet arrives over Earth in 2008, he discovers that Earth is a nuclear wasteland with few survivors.

66. Any, “Mobeus” AU. The Goa'uld-infested Daniel Jackson shoots Teal'c on Chulak before Teal'c has a chance to kill him. The Goa’uld travels back in time with the rest of the team and uses his host’s knowledge of the future (as well as the information on the recording left behind by the “original” SG-1) to take over Earth/the Milky Way.

67. Any, “Stronghold” AU. Ba'al successfully brainwashes the Jaffa Council. With access to the Jaffa capital-world, Ba’al initiates his plan to wipe out all life in the Milky Way (save for his followers) using the Dakara Device hoping the Ori would lose interest in a lifeless galaxy & leave him to rebuild.

68. Any, “Zero Hour” AU. Dr. Bill Lee does not find out that Camulus's ZPM is booby-trapped and when it is used for the first time it explodes on Earth.

69. Any, A terrorist attack accidentally or on purpose hits Cheyenne Mountain at a critical point, and suddenly Earth is nearly defenseless.

70. Any, Arkad's plan to clandestinely detonate naquida bombs on Earth works.

71. Any, Ayiana is unable to heal more than a few people before she collapses. After being brought to the SGC she inadvertently infected the people on the base before she died. Unaware of being carriers, the SGC personnel continue as usual, causing the Ancient contagion to spread not just on Earth but throughout the Milky Way. (06x04: Frozen)

72. Any, For once it wasn't their fault, nor was it the result of anything any of the Tau'ri had done.

73. Any, he/she wasn't ready to die, not until he/she finishes what was started. Unfortunately, his/her body disagrees. The only way he/she can accomplish the task is if Harlan copies him/her and the android finishes what the original started.

74. Any, It was like a bad George Romero movie. Maybe that was where the Lucian Alliance had gotten their inspiration.

75. Any, Ra takes Daniel as host during the events of "Mobeus". Thousands of years later in 1994 Daniel Jackson, Col. O'Neill & the other members of the Abydos Mission are captured soon after arriving on the planet. To their surprise & horror their captor, the sun-god Ra, wears a familiar face & is not keen on repeating his mistakes from the previous timeline.

76. Any, Sokar invades Earth, the resistance fights back... with power armour! Inspired by Max Romeo's Chasing the Devil:
Lucifer, son of the morning, I'm gonna chase you out of earth
I'm gonna put on a iron shirt and chase Satan out of earth
I'm gonna put on a iron shirt and chase the devil out of earth
I'm gonna send him to outta space to find another race

77. Any, sometime after the Battle of Antarctica, the System Lords conquer Earth while Jack O'Neill is in stasis. Do they keep him frozen & on display as symbol of their dominance? Do they reawaken him just to gloat over him? Or do they unfreeze him when they need his help with Anubis/Replicators/some other threat?

78. Any, the disease in "the Broca Divide" spread across Earth

79. Any, The last moments of the Russian submarine crew before the Replicators get them ("Small Victories" tag)

80. Any, What if the aliens from the Foothold situation had succeeded?

81. Any, What if the aliens from the Foothold situation returned with improved mimic devices and weren't discovered before they had taken the SGC and part of the US?

82. Anyone, an SG team finds some strange eggs and brings them back to the SGC. Next day the eggs seems to have hatched, but all they find are some of the personnel with facehuggers attached to their faces.

83. Adria, as the Orici, she was not supposed to show or even feel fear. And yet she did.

84. Aldwin and SG-1, Daniel actually kept the genetic memory he got from Shi'fu, and has conquered the world and is now working on becoming a System Lord. Aldwin and the rest of SG-1 must stop him (and I guess free Sam first, etc.)

85. Aldwin, SG-1, any other Tok'ra, Earth has fallen and the alpha site is threatened. The Tok'ra is on the run. Author's choice of big bad.

86. Aldwin, Teal'c, Jacob/Selmak, Martouf/Lantash, Sam, Daniel, Jack. Teal'c manages to stop Aldwin from launching the bomb in time, and Sokar makes it away with his entire fleet. Sokar is furious at the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra, and makes it his life's goal to wipe them out. He goes for Earth first, and arrives before Aldwin returns from Netu. Now Earth has fallen, and SG1 is on the run with the Tok'ra.

87. Amaterasu - choosing to commit seppuku (or jigai in her case, I guess) rather than facing death at the hands of the Replicators (or Ba'al, or the Tok'Ra, or whomever).

88. Amaunet, any, after Teal'c had shot Amaunet, more of Heru'ur's forces arrived in time to take Amaunet's body and put it in a sarcophagus. Now she has sworn revenge on the Tau'ri for what they did to Apophis and herself. With Heru'ur's forces she leads a devastating attack on Earth

89. Android SG-1 team (the one Harlan made) - Earth is gone and so are their biological originals. But as far as he/she/they're concerned SG-1 is still here, even if their SG-1 has a few more inorganic components. That's fine - all that means is that they won't have little things like sleep, hunger or exhaustion getting in the way of their mission to bring those responsible for Earth's demise to justice.

90. Android!Daniel Jackson, future/alternative TL needs Daniel’s help to avert a disaster but he is dead/otherwise unavailable. They have to get help from Harlin's android Daniel instead.

91. Anna, “Resurrection” AU. Anna escapes the N.I.D. lab and plots to take the world for herself.

92. Anubis, he succeeds in destroying all life in the Galaxy, and recreates it again using his own DNA. The only ones who escape are SG-1 who are visiting the Asgard when it happens.

93. Apophic & Hathor & SG-1 & Martouf|Lantash, AU - she didn't hide and bide her time, but went directly to Apophis and plotted with him (he was Ra's enemy). Together they caught SG-1 and the Tok'ra Martouf/Lantash.

94. Apophis, Heru'ur, their alliance is a great success - but not for Earth or the Tok'ra

95. Apophis, his final battle before he is captured & brought before Ba'al in Continuum.

96. Apophis, SG-1, anyone else, Apophis succeeds in conquering Earth. SG-1 escapes and is hiding on the surface

97. AU Sam|Jolinar, Sam|Jolinar, a mortally injured AU Sam|Jolinar comes through from another reality, with important information about the Goa'uld. Sam volunteers as host, when they realize the Goa'uld in question had conquered Earth in the other reality, and were likely to do so in this.

98. Ba’al, Any - “Continuum” AU. Thanks to the butterfly effect, Ba'al's attack on the Achilles has led to the Axis Powers winning WW2. When his fleet arrives over Earth in 2008, he discovers that the Nazis have been cooperating with one or more of the Goa'uld trapped on Earth (Hathor/Seth/Osiris/Isis/Sekhmet) & developed all sorts of Wunderwaffen to use against their enemies on Earth and in space.

99. Ba'al, one of his clones escaped by taking a member of SG-1 (your choice who) as his host

100. Ba'al, the weapon was new and untried - and he looked forward to testing it on the Tau'ri

101. Bastet, any, in mythology she was Anubis's consort. Assume he helps her ascend - the Galaxy now has to contend with her as well.

102. Bastet, Any:
Some day I shall drown in a sea of cats.
I shall go down, smothered by their embraces,
feeling their warm breath upon my face,
gazing into their large eyes, hearing in my ear their soft purring.
I shall sink lazily down through oceans of fur,
between myriads of claws, clutching innumerable tails
and I shall surrender my wretched soul to the
selfish and insatiable god of felines.
- excerpt from Frank Belknap Long's Felis: A Prose Poem

103. Bastet, in mythology she is also knows as a protector against contagious diseases and evil spirits. What if the Goa'uld instead spreads these diseases? Maybe she comes up with a new one just for Earth!

104. Cam/Daniel. When the Earth is destroyed, Daniel and Cam are on a mission with the Asgard. The Asgard give them a home (and, in fact, might feel as if they're obligated to 'keep' the two), and they have to adjust to a very, very different society than the one they know. One not very comfortable for humans.

105. Cameron Mitchell + the "original" SG-1 team (circa season 2). He screwed up. Sure, he might have put a kink in Ba'al's plans by saving the Achilles but the System Lord was still out there, plotting his next move. Cam's only chance now is to warn the future before it is too late. He knows that a solar flare will send SG-1 back to 1969 - he just has to make sure he is in the right place and the right time to pass on his message.

106. Camulus, he convinced Ba'al to spare him because he had smuggled some device onto the SGC - your choice if it is a death trap, a dooms day device, or just a listening device which helps Ba'al conquer Earth

107. Camulus, Yu, Amaterasu, they managed to convince the Tau'ri to use their Ancient weapon against Ba'al, killing him. Without his help against Anubis and the replicator, who will destroy Earth first?

108. Carter/Mitchell, Neither of them were the type to give up.

109. Charlie of the Re'tu - his ability to see the invisible came in useful.

110. Col. Chekhov - he is in Metro-2 ( ), coordinating the fight against the alien invaders on the surface.

112. Col. Chekov, Svarog - Svarog first landed his forces in Germany near Jaromarsburg, where in bygone days ancient Slavs worshiped him & his kin. It took his armies only seven weeks to reclaim most of their lord's old domain and on the eighth week the Jaffa were ready to cross the Don River & march north toward Moscow.

113. Cordesh, he took O'Neill as host, and now the Tok'ra have to save Earth

114. Cordesh, Jack, what if Cordesh took Jack as host, and no one noticed until her was back on Earth and had betrayed them to the Goa'uld?

115. Cronus, he hates both the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra. Now he gathers his forces to remove this menace from the Galaxy once and for all, starting with Earth

116. Daniel &or/ Vala. He dreams of Sha're and their time on Abydos, but wakes up to a very different but still alien woman.

117. Daniel and Teal'c managed to get Sha're|Amaunet back to Earth before she gave birth. Amaunet escaped from the cell they had put her in (maybe by jumping into some hapless female soldier who stood too close). Amaunet contacts Apophis and opens the Stargate for him and his soldiers before she is discovered.

118. Daniel Jackson, Chaka the Unas - Daniel didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw Chaka there, dressed in a Prior's robes and carrying the Book of Origin in his large hands.

119. Daniel Jackson, Daniel had ascended to the higher plane 3 times. First was with the help of Oma Desala when his flesh was poisoned by radiation. Next was when he lay dying on the floor of the Replicator ship. The final time he ascended was as a reward for his service to the Path of Origin, when his body burned & his soul was lifted by the Ori to become one of them.

120. Daniel Jackson, future/alternative TL Earth needs Daniel’s help to avert a disaster but he is dead/otherwise unavailable. The SGC decides to travel back in time to ancient Egypt to recruit the "original" Daniel (the one from episode “Mobeus, Part 1”).

121. Daniel Jackson, Jacob Carter|Selmak, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter - at some point in the past Cronus finds an Ancient lab with schematics for a Destiny-class ship. After studying the design, he incorporates a number of the Ancient ship's features such as an onboard Stargate & solar power collectors as a backup power source into his flagship. These changes alter the events of the episode "Enemies" - when SG-1 (minus Teal'c) & Jacob|Selmak are stuck in a distant galaxy and are forced to hide Cronus's Hat'ak in the corona of a blue-giant star, Sam proposes they deploy the solar power collectors and try to dial Earth from inside the sun (much like what was tried in SG:U episode "Twin Destinies"). Unfortunately, solar activity and wormholes don't mix well and when the heroes step through the Stargate they end up thrown into a dystopian future (or the Goa'uld-dominated past).

122. Daniel Jackson, Jacob Carter|Selmak, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter - at some point in the past Cronus finds an Ancient lab with schematics for a Destiny-class ship. After studying the design, he incorporates a number of the Ancient ship's features such as an onboard Stargate & solar power collectors as a backup power source into his flagship. These changes alter the events of the episode "Enemies" - when SG-1 (minus Teal'c) & Jacob|Selmak are stuck in a distant galaxy and are forced to hide Cronus's Hat'ak in the corona of a blue-giant star, Sam proposes they deploy the solar power collectors and try to dial Earth from inside the sun (much like what was tried in SG:U episode "Twin Destinies"). Unfortunately, solar activity and wormholes don't mix well and when the heroes try this the whole ship & its crew are transported through time (again, like in SG:U "Twin Destinies"). When are they and just what awaits them ahead? Stricken out because it's basically the same as 121.

123. Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter, they spent two months in captivity only to find out that none of the Stargates they tried would connect to Earth.

124. Daniel Jackson/Freya|Anise/Jack O'Neill, first it was pretend, with the men acting as Anise's lo'tars on the undercover mission to Sokar's court. Later, after Earth had fallen, they stayed with the Tok'ra, and the relationship became real.

125. Daniel, any, In retrospect, he probably shouldn't have touched that.

126. Daniel, he was offered another choice to ascend, but with all his friends gone, he wasn't sure he wanted it

127. Daniel, in a freak accident, the explosion didn't touch Stargate Command

128. Daniel, one moment he was studying the alien artifact in his lab, the next moment he was the only one left on base. It was with some trepidation he stepped out on the surface. What would he find? Would he find anyone?

129. Daniel, tonight it was 5 years since the apocalypse. 5 years, and he still hadn't met another soul.

130. Daniel, usually the consequences of touching something wasn't that severe

131. Daniel/Sha're, Sam|Jolinar, Teal'c. Sha're wasn't chosen as Amaunet's host, SG-1 was able to free her, and as a result the two of them remained on Abydos. Years later a Tok'ra and a Jaffa arrive on the planet bringing the news that Earth has been taken over by [villain of your choice].

132. Daniel/Vala or Team. Opening an ancient scroll with seven seals.

133. Daniel|Anise, the blending began as a necessity - the only way for both to live, but later they found they had a lot in common, not the least the wish to avenge their friends.

134. Dr. Raully, Sam, Jack, Hathor, the plan failed and the Goa'uld took over Jack. Hathor was injured, but recovered, and Dr. Raully - unable to heal her host - took Sam as host (she volunteered). Sam/Raully free Daniel and escape through the Tok'ra tunnels. The arriving SG-teams "free" what they think is Jack, and take him back to Earth. When Sam/Raully and Daniel make it there (by way of the Tok'ra), the Goa'uld in Jack has already opened the Stargate for Hathor and her people.

135. Egeria, Sam, before Egeria could get Kelmaa's host, a Goa'uld attacked, hoping to capture SG-1 and use them to conquer Earth. When Egeria's tank was destroyed, Sam made a 'spur of the moment' decision and became her host. When the Goa'uld found her, she was taken to the ship in orbit and healed in a sarcophagus so she could be interrogated. Now Egeria is again healthy, and she and Sam have to infiltrate the Goa'uld in order to stop the conquest of Earth.

136. Freya|Anise, Ishta, Larrin, Sam Carter (with Jolinar if you want), Teyla, Vala - a post-apocalyptic girls night out.

137. Garshaw, any member of SG1. "Together we shall avenge the death of both our people".

138. Gen. Sam is taken by a Goa'uld who then uses her knowledge to take Earth. The SGC and the rest of SG-1 fight back.

139. General George Hammond, Daniel Jackson, Any - the Prometheus never encounter’s Vala’s Al’kesh and so the Earth ship reaches Atlantis. But the initial orbital scans of the city don’t look promising. Is anyone from the expedition left alive down there?

140. General George Hammond, Daniel Jackson, Any - the Prometheus reaches Atlantis in "Prometheus Unbound" and is there to help defend the city. But in Prometheus's absence, Earth/Milky Way falls.

141. Harry Mayborn, For all his "prophetic wisdom", King Arkon the First didn't expect to receive travelers from Earth, nor did he expect them to be refugees fleeing a destroyed world. Set sometime after "It's Good to be King".

142. Hathor was not stopped and made the SGC her base, creating loyal Jaffa and later hosts.

143. Hathor, Sam and Janet failed and Hathor conquered Earth from the SGC, then set her sight on the Galaxy. Perhaps Sam, Janet, Teal'c, and maybe others escaped?

144. Hathor, SG-1 team - Continuum AU. SG-1 fails to reach the Stargate Base in Russia before Quetesh bombs it from orbit. They turn their efforts to organizing the resistance on Earth and end up having to work with Hathor (who still ended up being awakened in this timeline but was stuck on Earth since there was no SGC) against Quetesh & her invading forces.

145. Hathor, she survived and returned to take on Earth

146. Isis, what if she was alive when they found her stasis jar? Have her take over someone, either an unknown character, or someone from the SGC.

147. Jacek (aka Vala's father), Earth may be a bombed-out ruin, but that doesn't mean there is no profit to be made there. One just has to know where to look and what supplies & technologies are worth scavenging.

148. Jacek (Vala's father from the episode "Family Ties") - Earth may be an occupied world, but that doesn't mean there is no profit to be made there. Jacek sells much-needed weapons and stocks to the Tau'ri Resistance while they supply him with the "potent aphrodisiac" (packing peanuts) for his scams.

149. Jack O'Neill - the only reason he survived was because he was invisible at the time (aka what if the past mission Carter talked about in episode "200" had went horribly, horribly wrong?).

150. Jack O'Neill, any. The sarcophagus had changed him. He did not realize how much until it was too late but by then he no longer cared. They would never suspect, not in time, anyway. Earth would be his.

151. Jack O'Neill/Yosuuf|Garshaw of Belote, he learned to first respect her, then love her, when she went underground with him to fight Earth's conquerers. It was obvious to him why she was known as the 'most hunted'.

152. Jack, any Goa'uld, they did not know he had become a host until it was too late.

153. Jack, any Tok'ra, in the end he agreed to the blending to avoid being the only one left

154. Jack, Ba'al, why could it not have been someone else trapped with him under the rubble? Anyone else?

155. Jack, Delek, they were the last survivors

156. Jack, ferocious kittens just did not make any sense!

157. Jack, he was the only one left, and the time machine was so very tempting

158. Jack, ironically, the first thing he thought about was that there would never be a new episode of the Simpsons again

159. Jack, it had looked so innocent

160. Jack, rationally, there was nothing he could have done - he still blamed himself

161. Jack, the enemies were everywhere, and they all looked like his friends

162. Jack, the first sign something was wrong, was when his video would only record static instead of Simpsons

163. Jack, the planet he stepped out on could not be Earth, could it?

164. Jack, this time the asteroid wasn't sent by Anubis

165. Jack/Daniel and Sam/Martouf/Lantash, time travel seemed to be the only option left

166. Jack/Daniel and the rest of SG-1, Unfortunately, only a virgin could close the gate to Hell, and they were fresh out of those

167. Jack/Daniel, Cheyenne Mountain had collapsed, burying everything except for the small room they were hiding in.

168. Jack/Daniel, even Daniel had not been willing to believe they were werewolves

169. Jack/Daniel, one last kiss

170. Jack/Daniel, smurfs? evil smurfs? It made no sense.

171. Jack/Daniel, the alien attack had been silent, and no one had noticed - until the aliens were everywhere

172. Jack/Daniel, the fog was everywhere - listening, whispering

173. Jack/Daniel, the replicators had spread all over the planet, and this was the only place left

174. Jack/Daniel, there was so much he had never said, and now it might be too late

175. Jack/Daniel, they had buried Teal'c, and they had no idea where Sam was. They could only hope she was dead, and that she had not turned

176. Jack|Kanan, they escaped Ba'al together only to find out another Goa'uld has conquered Earth and is hunting the few remaining Tok'ra. Now they only have each other.

177. Jackson. He'd just gone to bed one night, and when he woke up he was the last human on Earth.

178. Jacob/Selmak, they insist on the mission to Earth, even after word comes through everyone on the planet is dead

179. Janet & Sam & any. They had helped so many people who had been attacked by various aliens, but being the ones who needed saving was difficult after having been the heroes for so long.

180. Janet|any Tok'ra, any. The symbiote had saved her life once, the second time she did it she forcefully took over their body so they could escape the attack on Earth.

181. Jolinar of Malkshur, any. Her new host, Samantha, hated her, but her host's people were under attack, and as a Tok'ra it was her duty to help her host in any way possible.

182. Jolinar, Sam, any. Problem was, the only one who had known the location was Jolinar, and Sam couldn't for the life of her (or anyone else) remember.

183. Kawalsky's Goa'uld avoided detection until he could escape with important information about the SGC. Information that Apophis later used to take Earth

184. Khalek's plot succeeded and he managed to ascend. Now he returns to wreak havoc on Earth.

185. Kianna Cyr|Symbiote, Any (possible slash with Jonas Quinn) - both Kianna & the symbiote inside her survive the events of "Fallout" & are allowed to stay on Langara. Then when the Ori invade she helps the Langaran partisans fight back against the new alien attackers.

186. Klorel, after he was removed by the Tok'ra, he was sent to a planet of his choice. What if his followers later captured SG-1 and implanted him in one of them? Or maybe he was implanted in a member of one of the other SG-teams who happened upon his planet? Then he could go undetected to the SGC and conquer them from within.

187. Klorel, Daniel Jackson +/- rest of SG-1 - war makes for strange bedfellows. Klorel wants vengeance for the death of his father Apophis. Daniel is seeking to free Earth from Ba'al's/Quetesh's occupation. Whether they like it or not, they have to work together to achieve both their goals. (Continuum AU, obviously)

188. Korra, SG-1, anyone else, Sokar conquered Earth and Korra is sent to check since he has been undercover with him before. He meets SG-1, who is trying to get a resistance up and running.

189. Lord Khonsu of Amon Shek, Jack O'Neill, "The Other Guys" happened a bit differently. Coombs and Felger were killed. When Herak betrayed Khonsu, he also shot Jack while taking SG-1 prisoner. However, Jack was not as badly injured as Khonsu's host, so Khonsu takes Jack as host, in order to save them both and stop Herak's plan to give SG-1 to Anubis. However, before he can heal Jack, they end up imprisoned by Anubis - who is on the way to conquer Earth.

190. Malek, desperate to save Egeria, he uses a timemachine he finds to go back and stop the Pangarans from using her for their tretonin production. He succeeds, and the Tok'ra later free her. They now have no population problems (except for needing hosts). A side-effect is that the free Jaffa doesn't get tretonin as quickly as before, and fewer go against the Goa'uld. Ba'al becomes the new supreme system lord, he makes Earth his home base, and it is another millennia before the Tok'ra and the descendants of the escaped Tau'ri free the Galaxy.

191. Martin Lloyd, when his homeworld was attacked he & his companions fled to survive. When Earth is attacked, he is done with running - he lost one home already and he won't give this one up without a fight.

192. Martouf|Lantash, what if they were still in stasis when Zipacna attacked Revanna, and were taken up to his ship and revived in a sarcophagus, in order that Zipacna could interrogate them? Perhaps he had beamed up several Tok'ra, and managed to get information about other bases and outposts. Can Martouf|Lantash escape and warn their people before the Tok'ra are all killed?

193. Mini!OTP or Mini!Sam & Mini!Jack & Jennifer Hailey. Most of Earth's population is either dead or dying, and the only superior officers she's been able to find are two teen-aged clones who have been more or less out of the loop for years.

194. Mini!Sam &/ Mini!Jack, they had spent their Summer vacation hiking in the mountains/somewhere out of the way, and when they came back there were bodies everywhere.

195. Mitchell/Carter or Mitchell & Carter. When they touched that device, their consciousnesses were transported to a galaxy far, far away. Only this time, they couldn't get back again.

196. Nicholas Ballard - when he returns from his stay with Quetzalcoatl, Earth is gone/changed beyond recognition.

197. Nirrti succeeds in her plan, killing Cronus and blaming Teal'c. The System Lords are furious and the Goa'uld attack Earth.

198. Nirrti, "the Wraith are a fascinating species."

199. Nirrti, any, "It is an abomination they have been allowed to breed to such numbers."

200. Nirrti, any, Nirrti released a virus at Stargate Command which mutates people. The victims still looks human, until they transform and the tentacles and sharp teeths show. The virus spreads as wildfire. Your choice if anyone is immune, or if they just manage to escape/put on a gasmask, or whatever.

201. Nirrti, her reaction to the Ori plague.

202. Nirrti, she left some death trap/doomsday device/bioweapon at the SGC

203. Nirrti/Michael Kenmore - they had so much to teach each other.

204. Ocker, Malek, Jacob/Selmak, they are the last Tok'ra

205. O'Neill/Carter. Life is supposed to go on in a bunker after the world ended. You're not supposed to want to open that door and step into the inferno.

206. Osiris, intent on avenging Isis's death, he gathers forces to attack Earth

207. Osiris, the Tau'ri would die for their arrogance in taking on the Goa'uld - and because Isis was dead.

208. Prior!Daniel Jackson, Hathor - "Our beloved pharaoh - you have changed much."

209. Prior!Daniel Jackson, Nem the Ohane - when SG-1 first came to P3X-866, Nem greeted them with illusions of fire and demanded knowledge from Earth's past (episode "Fire and Water"). When Daniel goes back to P3X-866 nine years later, he greets Nem's people with Fires of Enlightenment and brings with him the knowledge from the Book of Origin.

210. Prior!Daniel Jackson/Freya|Anise - He refused to let them die. Just as Adria made it her task to save her mother's soul and make Vala walk the Path of Origin, Daniel made it his goal to bring enlightenment to Freya|Anise.

211. Prior!Daniel Jackson/Sha're, Sha're|Amaunet - he finally found her. After all those years of searching, he finally found her. And after the serpent within her is removed, he can’t wait to share the gifts of the Ori with her.

212. Qetesh, an alien device causes Qetesh to be resurrected - in Vala

213. Ra, he managed to get off his ship just before it exploded, and now he is furious! Earth will suffer, and he re-subjugates it, killing off much of the population before enslaving the rest. Your choice of who survives to form a resistance

214. Ren'al, the symbiote poison she developed ended up being used against her own people. Now she was the only one left.

215. Robert Kinsey, watching from space as Russia and USA nuke each other into oblivion, being unable to do anything about it as the Goa’uld in his head laughs maniacally at Earth’s destruction.

216. Sam &or/ Jack, Mini!Sam &or/ Mini!Jack. The clones are recalled right before disaster strike Earth, and now Sam and her clone are frantically working on a way to try and fix the situation, or at least make it better. Meanwhile Jack and his clone are using their own special brand of "fixing", with added help from the ATA genes.

217. Sam Carter, any. Something's wrong with her, but she can't put her finger on it. It's the latest in a line of things she can't fix.

218. Sam, any. She quickly got a feeling something was off with everyone else at the SGC, but when she finally realized what it was, it was far too late and all she could do was run.

219. Sam, any. She wakes up half-way onto a road, in a small city on Earth with no memory of how she ended up there. On the other side of the road is a hospital with "DEAD INSIDE" spray-painted in red on the front of the building.

220. Sam, Athena, what if Athena succeeded in taking Sam as a host, when they met in Ex Deus Machina? What if no one discovered it until Ba'al had infiltrated the SGC (Athena likely used a masking drug since Sam didn't sense her in the episode)

221. Sam, she wakes up in sickbay after some injury that left her unconscious for a couple days. She finds the SGC is completely empty, with no signs of fighting.

222. Sam/Ba'al OR Sam/Ba'al Gen. If the Ori are Light, then it's Dark Side all the way.

223. Sam/Baal. Sam mused that at least she wasn't the first figure to enter myth as a destroyer of suns.

224. Sam/Jack, non-corporeal aliens take over SG personel and sometimes are jumping hosts. Everyone is suspicious of everyone and no one knows who can be trusted. Hell, they don't even know if they can trust themselves!

225. Sam/Jack, the last light faded, and then it was completely dark. Not just dark as night, but a complete absence of light.

226. Sam/Jack, the reality change would happen, it was inevitable. Question was, who and where would they be after it?

227. Sam/Jack, their friends are dying around them

228. Sam/Jack, those who are or has been hosts are immune

229. Sam/Jack, tragic love - they find that all the realities where they get together are doomed

230. Sam/Jack. Apocalypse happens not because of an alien attack or influence, but as a direct result of something SG-1 has done or brought back.

231. Sam/Jack. It's the one thing Sam can never forgive Jack, not letting her die along with everyone else.

232. Sam/Martouf|Lantash, anyone else, somehow the device had dialled all Stargates and spread the virus across the whole Galaxy. Now the virus was gone, but so was all men. Looking for a way for the human race to survive, Sam remembers that Martouf|Lantash is in stasis, and if they can just find a way to heal him, there is at least one man left. (AU from some time shortly after D&C)

233. Sam|Jolinar, any. Things on Nasya turned out different; a large number of Jaffa managed to get through the Gate to Earth and killed enough people to take control of the SGC. Meanwhile the Ashrak escaped, and continued his search for Jolinar. The Goa'uld created a foothold and held the SGC until ships could arrive and they were able to conquer Earth. (02x02: In the Line of Duty)

234. Sam|Jolinar, the ashrak succeeded in killing them both, but a Goa'uld attached Earth moments later, and found Sam|Jolinar in time to revive them in a sarcophagus (when they learned from others that the symbiote was Jolinar of Malkshur). Now Sam|Jolinar must escape from the Goa'uld, and try to find a way to help Earth.

235. Sam|Jolinar, they were prisoners of the NID when the Goa'uld attacked

236. Sam|Jolinar/Jack|Kanan, Anise/Freya, how did it come to this?

237. Sam|Jolinar/Martouf|Lantash, she didn't know what she would have done without Jolinar - or without Martouf|Lantash. They were all that kept her sane after Earth had fallen and her friends had been killed.

238. Seth, what if he took Jack or Daniel as host, and managed to escape?

239. SG-1 team - when they got on Apophis's flagship, everyone on board was already dead. Normally, the death of Apophis and his cronies would be a cause for celebration - but today was hardly an ordinary day.

240. SG-1 team + the "black" SG-1 team - events of "Ripple Effect" go differently and before Prometheus can leave the black hole's gravity well the ship and her crew are subjected to time dilation. When the ship finally climbs out of the gravity well, SG-1 and their doppelgangers discover that [insert whatever amount of years you want here] have elapsed since they set out on their mission. They also find out that in their absence the Ori (or some other bad guys) won and they are one of the few free people left in the galaxy. Whether they like it or not, they must now cooperate with each other if they are to have any hope of surviving.

241. SG-1 team, “Mobeus” AU. Sam listens to Jack's suggestion and before they attempt to travel to Ancient Egypt, SG-1 tests the time-machine by traveling only a few hundred years into the past. But their actions in the past (maybe the time-jumper breaks when they are in the past and they need to land on Earth to fix it?) change history - when SG-1 returns to the present they are horrified to learn that in the new timeline the Confederate States of America has won the American Civil War and became a global superpower. The CSA runs it's own SGC Program and chattel/plantation slavery is widespread on Earth and throughout the galaxy. Can SG-1 fix this?

242. SG-1 team, “Mobeus” AU. When Jack suggested testing the time-machine by traveling to 1908, Carter states that Janus's Puddlejumper "only works in time jumps longer than a couple of hundred years" - but what if that wasn't the case? What if SG-1 traveled back to 1908, but accidentally altered the course of history in the process? When they return to the present, SG-1 discovers that in the altered timeline the Kaiser won World War 1. In the 21st century Pickelhauben helmets, Zeppelins and imperialism are all still in vogue as global affairs are run by militaristic German aristocrats (whether the dastardly Krauts are in cahoots with or otherwise manipulated by the Goa'uld is up to you).

243. SG-1, Aldwin, Jacob|Selmak, Martouf|Lantash, Teal'c manages to stop Aldwin from sending the bomb to Netu long enough and now Sokar remains alive and keeps his forces and ship. He finds out Earth and the Tok'ra were behind the attempted attack and declares an all out war on both.

244. SG-1, Amaunet, in order to save Sha're, SG-1 takes Sha're/Amaunet's bodies to a sarcophagus and heal/revive them. Amaunet escapes, and makes it her goal to destroy the Tau'ri

245. SG-1, Any Goa'uld, any. They unleashed a plague on Earth as revenge for their "crimes" against the Goa'uld.

246. SG-1, any others, weaponsfire hits the Stargate and they step through to an alternate reality like the mirror universe in Star Trek. The Goa'uld are fighting the evil Tau'ri who is conquering and slaughtering everyone (human, Jaffa, Goa'uld...)

247. SG-1, any Tok'ra, Nirrti created a plague for the System Lords and they released it on Earth. SG-1 wasn't on the planet when it happened, and now they must find Nirrti's lab and her research - and get help from the Tok'ra to make an antidote. Time is running out, as the plague is spreading like wildfire and people are dying left and right.

248. SG-1, any Tok'ra, SG-1 fiddles with an alien device and the result is that Egeria never became Tok'ra. The Tok'ra with them (who together with SG-1 are protected against changes to the timeline due to whatever) are now the only Tok'ra. They must all survive in the hostile (very hostile) universe where Earth was retaken by the Goa'uld many centuries ago, and there are not even a dream of freedom anywhere. Can they fix the timeline?

249. SG-1, any Tok'ra, The Tau'ri mostly kill themselves off with one of the advanced weapons brought back to the planet. SG-1 + some Tok'ra return to find out the planet is a wasteland/most people are dead/everyone else have mutated/your horror of choice

250. SG-1, any Tok'ra. Season 1 or early season 2 (before Tok'ra I and II). Some Goa'uld succeeds in taking over Earth. Many leaders (political as well as military) are taken as hosts. So are many from Stargate Command, including SG-1 (except Teal'c who either is brainwashed or flees). However, some of the Goa'uld are really undercover Tok'ra. You pick who gets the Tok'ra!

251. SG-1, Any, he guessed it was fate

252. SG-1, any, the SGC gets a visitor from a parallel reality where instead of putting Egeria in a canopic jar Ra tortured her and revived her in a sarcophagus untill she became cruel & went mad. Since than she returned to Earth, conquered it, and rules the planet with an iron fist. The cross-dimensional travellers need the help of the SGC & Tok'Ra to free their Earth.

253. SG-1, any. "The only option left is time travel. We all know how well that usually goes!"

254. SG-1, any. Daniel reads an ancient tablet aloud and unleashes a demonic horde

255. SG-1, any. Just before the whole planet explodes, SG-1 (+ any others you want) escape through the quantum mirror. The world they end up in is a Star Trek style Mirror universe.

256. SG-1, any. The Stargate is revealed. Chaos ensues. A group decides to take it upon themselves to cleanse Earth from the alien contagion by killing everyone.

257. SG-1, any. They accidentally set off an alien device, causing several multiverses to start merging. The 30 SG1 teams, or the 21 Apophis's are not the worst problem not by far. And where is the entropic cascade failure when you need it?

258. SG-1, anyone else you feel like, they find a sealed tomb, which they open. It turns out to hide some unspeakably evil creature, who sets out to conquer the universe taken from it by the Goa'uld (who had sealed it there).

259. SG-1, anyone else, a new (old) player reenters the Milky Way: Cthulhu

260. SG-1, anyone else, Jack did not succeed in widdling out the traitors in "Shades of Grey" and all Earth's allies and friends dumps them (possibly not the Tok'ra?) Then Earth is attacked and falls to the Goa'uld

261. SG-1, anyone else, yet another pointless doomsday device left behind by the Ancients causes an apocalypse. Author's choice if it just clubbers Earth, or most of the Milky Way galaxy too.

262. SG-1, anyone, Our heroes finds an ancient device, millions of years old and turns it on by accident. They now have one week to stop it before it completely unravels the fabric of the entire multiverse.

263. SG-1, Daniel, Jack, Sam, Teal'c, Martouf/Lantash. Post-series. A big bad enemy attacks, and the original members of SG-1 are the only ones that make it off Earth. The only way to stop the enemy is with a Furling device, which Sam remembers Jolinar once found. Unfortunately, due to the danger of the device, Jolinar hid half of it in a safe place, and Lantash hid the other half. Sam may be able to remember where Jolinar hid it, with a memory recall device, but no one alive knows where Lantash hid his part. SG-1 finds a time travel device, but it can only send their consciousnesses back in time - to their younger bodies. Problem? Even if SG-1 succeeds in sending their consciousnesses back to themselves years ago, no one will believe their story.

264. SG-1, Jolinar, Daniel did not find the Quantum Mirror and so Earth was unprepared for Apophis attack - which happened shortly after Sam had returned from Nasya as Jolinar's host

265. SG-1, Mark Carter, he got the shock of his life when he turned on the TV and saw his sister with glowing eyes and proclaiming that Earth was now under the rule of [goa'uld of your choice].

266. SG-1, Martouf, Lantash. He was the last survivor of his world. Question was, did he even want to continue living?

267. SG-1, Martouf/Lantash, "Without wanting to sound overly-dramatic, the fate of the Galaxy might be at stake."

268. SG-1, Martouf/Lantash. It was probably due to the energy discharge, but it didn't really matter. Fact was that they now found themselves in a universe where Ra had never left.

269. SG-1, Martouf|Lantash, "We will never surrender, even in death!" Now it sounded hollow, even to himself.

270. SG-1, Martouf|Lantash, Sokar managed to burn through the iris in "Serpent's Song", and took SG-1 and Martouf|Lantash (and the other two Tok'ra and Apophis) prisoners. Can they escape (not Apophis) and stop Sokar from taking revenge on Earth?

271. SG-1, Martouf|Lantash, The SGC fails to open the Stargate during Sokar's attack on their iris and so fails to send back Apophis. Sokar decides biblical plagues would be a fun way of tormenting the people on Earth as punishment for their crimes. After burning through the iris, he starts sending the plagues through.

272. SG-1, one of the replicators escaped the sub and now Earth is under attack from massive replicator forces

273. SG-1, Prior!Ba'al. "Hallowed are the Ori!"

274. SG-1, Ra, "I disarmed your ridiculous Tau'ri device - now it is time to take back what is mine!"

275. SG-1, Rosha|Jolinar and Martouf|Lantash and SG-1, AU - SG-1 travels to a reality where the SGC never met the Tok'ra, and Rosha|Jolinar and Martouf|Lantash are alive and well (and together, you can add ship if you want). Earth is not doing so well, and is subjugated by a Goa'uld. SG-1 must convince the Tok'ra to try and help Earth

276. SG-1, Sam Carter, any. Five times some villainoftheweek had a diabolical plan to destroy Earth with really bad science

278. SG-1, Sam, any. After spending years as a lab rat for the NID, she escaped. Now everyone was going to pay, beginning with the SGC and her former team mates!

279. SG-1, Sam|Anise, Sam agreed to become Anise's new host in desperation, and in the process finally understood why the Tok'ra chose to find volunteers among those who wanted revenge.

280. SG-1, Samantha Carter , any Tok'Ra, Sam never joins the SGC and never becomes part of SG-1 (her role on the team is filled by Lt. Claire Tobias or something). Instead she become an astronaut, jumping on the opportunity Jacob set up for her before his death. Sam encounters the Tok'Ra for the 1st time when Goa'uld ships attack Earth.

281. SG-1, SG-1 were caught before they could escape through the Stargate in Politics/Within the Serpent's Grasp/The Serpent's Lair, and Apophis conquered Earth.

282. SG1. Taking shelter with off-world allies.

284. Shifu - shortly after Sha're|Amaunet gives birth to him on Abydos, Shifu is saved by SG-1 and taken back to Earth. He grows up never having met Oma Desala and never learns to suppress the Goa’uld’s genetic memories within him. Growing increasingly power-hungry and megalomaniacal with age, he uses his knowledge to take over Earth/the galaxy.

285. Shi'fu, any Tok'ra, SG-1, Shi'fu kept the genetic memory and the Tok'ra made him a host in order to stop his power-hunger. However, there are several Goa'uld who wants to get their hand on him, and one of them attack Earth to get to him.

286. Sokar, he escaped from his ship before it was blown up, and now takes his revenge on Earth

287. Stargate the Movie/SG-1, any Tok'ra, Ra discovers the bomb before it can go off and transports it into space. To take his revenge he subjugates Earth again. The Tok'ra infiltrate his court on Earth, and this is how the Earth resistance team "SG-1" meets the Tok'ra.

288. Tanith, the Tok'ra was unable to find a new symbiote for Shau'nac, and Tanith took her as his host. He pretended to be her and managed to convince Teal'c he could be trusted, and so infiltrated the free Jaffa movement before it had really started. As a result, all the Jaffa loyal to Teal'c and Bra'tac were killed, and the Jaffa did not rebel.

289. The Retou manage to escape the SGC and go topside, making several terrorattacks on Earth. When humans find out they are aliens there is a planet wide panic and a huge war results.

290. The System Lords are a bit more desperate and accept Dr. Weir's proposal in "New Order" -- Earth helps bring down Ba'al & in exchange gets a cut of the war spoils, including planets once under Ba'al's control. Things are looking up at first. But as Goa'uld-loyalists on the newly-freed worlds stir up trouble incurring Tau'ri retaliations while the demand for naquadah and other off-world resources needed to build ships grows as Earth goes on the offensive against its many enemies, everyone learns that the Tau'ri can be as harsh & exploitative as the Goa'uld.

291. Thoran, he is stuck on Earth when Ba'al attacks

292. Tok'ra, "We will never surrender, even in death"

293. Tomin - Celestis burned right in front of his eyes.

294. Vala, She never expected to end her days alone on an alien world.

295. Vala/Tomin, set sometime after the events of “The Ark of Truth”. As the Milky Way is being overrun by the Wraith/Asurans/some other enemy, the survivors flee through the Supergate to Tomin’s home galaxy, now finally free from the Ori’s control. Once the last of the evacuees go through, the Supergate is disabled to prevent the enemies from following - thus forever cutting off the Milky Way and the Ori home galaxy. One of the evacuees that made it through is Vala and she rekindles her relationship with Tomin.

296. Zarin, Teal'c, Jack, they were all that was left of the alliance

297. Zipacna, what if he took over the forces after Apophis and used them to punish Earth for their arrogance?

prompts, admin

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