Prompt Claiming Rules 2015

Nov 15, 2015 22:45

The prompts this year have been broken into three posts because we managed to exceed the maximum post size with the number of prompts. (I applaud your enthusiasm, but if this runs again next year, I'll probably be limiting the number of prompts from each person.)

Rules for Claiming

1. Please reply to the post containing the prompt you want with your claim. If you're claiming a prompt from a previous year, please reply to this post. I'll strike prompts from the list as they're claimed, and reply to confirm. I'm going to limit claims to two prompts right now so that everyone has a shot at the prompts they want.

2. On November 30th, I'll start allowing people to claim additional prompts if they wish. There's no limit to the number of prompts you can claim, but you're encouraged to finish your first two stories before moving on to additional prompts.

3. Prompt claiming closes on January 15th.

4. Fic is due between January 16th and January 31st. You can post your fic here, or post elsewhere and post a link here. There are no minimum lengths for fic.

Other Notes

You may claim your own prompt if you wish.

You're free to exchange your prompt for a different one at any time. Please let me know on this post.

If you don't like any of the prompts here, you can claim an unused prompt from a previous year. If you do that, please comment on THIS POST with the year and the prompt. If you have an outstanding claim from a previous year, you're welcome to write that this year.

You're not required to tell me if you're not going to finish your story, but if you know early on that you won't finish, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know so that I can release your prompt back into the wild. You can leave a comment here, or on the rules post where comments are screened, or you can PM or email me.

Please try to abide by the prompters stated preferences regarding gen or pairings. If the prompt is ambiguous, then you're free to interpret it as you wish.

You can find the Any and SG1 prompts here and the SGA, SGU, and crossover prompts here.

prompts, admin

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