Office #5, Wednesday All Day

Mar 27, 2013 09:02

Jono really didn't have anything better to do than come in to do some paperwork in his office at the school, today. Sure, it was nothing he couldn't have done back at the Boards, except perhaps for the leaving his door open for potential visits from students, but with a cat and a dog and a mouse all sharing the same roof until whatever point in time April happened to stop being a tiny rodent, he decided that packing up his syllabus and heading to the school was probably his wisest (and quietest) course of action.

... Plus, the computer in his school office wasn't an electrocuted paperweight like the one back at the Boards. He really had to get around to replacing that, one of these days.

"Looks like this week's class will be quiet, at least," he murmured to April, who was sitting on his desk and nibbling on a cracker. "I'll probably be able to ignore most of the students after I'm done lecturing them and read a book."

Well. It was true.

[Open office!]

places: this is office no. 5, people: april ludgate, weirdness: truth day

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