
Mar 01, 2012 21:04

livejournal! i'm don't remember what my last entry was -- i am sure it was long and mopey -- so let's have some happiness for once:

i got to spend a very awesome week with the lovely crackedeggie i feel as though i owe her a billion apologies for making her fly all the way to bum-fuck indiana just to hang out with me (guys, it's winter so she didn't even get to ( Read more... )

guy i really need to write this essay, entries which i write to avoid essays

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Comments 7

crackedeggie March 2 2012, 02:16:55 UTC
awwwww awwwwww vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal. :'333333 i had a super great time and you were the sweetest little host. ps i just want your commentary to everything. i feel like a weirdo when i want to yell at my tv :(
i miss seeing your face too and so proud you spelled my name right :')))) get to work on the last~ (also super touched you put post-me life, i thought you accidentally copied and pasted :'D)
also yes new york has to happen. ILL BE LEGAL BY THEN TOO. america sux.

omg sarah's moving out? DDDDDDD: bright side being you dont have to roommate with your last roommate right? 8IIIII


aplethora March 3 2012, 01:50:51 UTC
sweetest little host? c'mon can't i get some better adjectives? intellectually overwhelming? insanely attractive? intimidating? also: man, yell at your tv too. i do it all the time (as you know. uh. in my defense, GLEE IS REALLY REALLY BAD AND ADAM LEVINE IS HOT), and most of it is when no one's home. i need people to keep me comfortable in my ridiculousness! and yes! new york! i've already been balancing a budget? um. yeah. embarrassing.

yep, she got an RA job on campus. i'm super happy for her since it's something she's been wanting all semester, but i'm still kinda like, holy shit, where does this leave me? i don't need to murder andrea, you know? i gotta have some kind of buffer. (i might actually have to? idk idk idk LIFE IS CONFUSING).


crackedeggie March 3 2012, 03:47:20 UTC
i thought............those were some GREAT adjectives and pretty damn accurate. i was not writing your bio missy. >:(((( but i tried yelling at my tv and my parents just kept asking what was wrong with me (in my defense i REALLY hate the descendents and REALLY love hugo). i wish i was there to make you comfortable.
and omggggggggggggggggg youve started balancing a budget? im so proud of my little val pal. :'))) i started....looking at places to stay in new york. i found a nice hostel. so. i mean, yeah. its cool, i guess.

awwww thats really great for sarah! i hope it goes well for her! :DDD oh dear god i dont want you to murder her either. but i mean, if it means anything, ill visit you in prison and everything. but i hope you find a good place to stay :(


oberon_titania March 3 2012, 00:57:55 UTC
Dude, Valerie. I totally fucking need a roommate next year. I'll even be done writing most of my dissertation; I'll just be editing and shit, so I won't be a horrible miserable person. I'm not sure if rent will be higher than what you're used to, but it'll be a little over $300. BUT internet and cable and heat and all that stuff are included, and there is the shuttle to campus. The room is kiiinda small, but we can move all my shit out of it and see if it works for you, and I have a couch and a kitchen and you've been to my house man. Seriously, fucking think about it. I'm not insane and christian, and we can make cupcakes ALL THE TIME.

Think about it, seriously. I refuse to be your kitchen slave, but I DO cook a lot and basically would probably turn into a kitchen slave. And i have lots of good DVDs.


aplethora March 3 2012, 02:13:44 UTC
i like that you are describing your house/living situations as though i don't already know them, hahaha. steph, my friend, i swear that i pay attention/listen to SOME things - i'm not always distracted by abs (though it is often). i do, however, think your not insane comment is highly debatable. remember the butter ( ... )


oberon_titania March 3 2012, 05:48:59 UTC
i assume that you have blocked out all the times that you have been to my house. it was probably traumatic, full of wincest and AAAAABS and general dismay that D/C is a thing that exists ( ... )


ahmnomnom March 3 2012, 02:05:03 UTC


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