(no subject)

Jan 20, 2017 22:13

On this cursed day:

I achieved MAXIMUM GYM in an effort to be away from the world for as long as possible. Maximum gym involved basically every piece of equipment I know how to use barring the bicep extenders which were occupied and which I was too tired for by this point. Curse rating: I lost the squidgy bit off my headphones which keeps them in my ear, which made half of my workout annoying and will make tomorrow's annoying as the replacements won't have arrived by the time I go to the gym.

Following this I decided to take a pile of my shit to Canary Wharf and combine reconnaissance on my new workplace with getting some shit done and investigating protein options and generally Not Being Online. It was sunny, I dressed well enough to attract Positive Male Attention from the Money Gays, no one set me on fire, I found where I will be working, I successfully noodled about what edits should go where in Heavy, wrote a little more both of the idiotic fic and of book planning, and read a fair bit of the silly Magician and sad Soldier book. Curse rating: for reasons which I can't rationalise I spent ALMOST THE ENTIRE TIME having constant mid-level anxiety despite interacting like a normal human being and the aforementioned PMA; I got lost almost IMMEDIATELY in the bowels of Canary Wharf, I kept having weird guilt-stricken moments of "I am a fraud at existing" because people paid attention to me?; and all of the accidental shopping I did effectively screamed "I HAVE AN EATING DISORDER BUT NOT REALLY BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE REAL ONES DON't TALK ABOUT THEM"; although this did calm down a bit when I was in the sunshine (and freezing cold) on the wharves so it is entirely possible it was just the effect of the extensive mall. It is a weird thing to feel both simultaneously very charming and attractive and COMPLETELY TERRIFIED.

Returned home to make dinner & contemplate the possibility of going dancing to fed off Possible Horror. Curse rating: train terminated early.

Made dinner, which was exactly the same thing my mother would have made right down to the bloody rice being brown. We've done it, lads, we've achieved Peak Awful. Curse rating: Was GOING to type up world-building notes and then have dinner and either go back out or have a bath and read some. This didn't happen. Instead my typing ATE HALF OF MY OUTLINE AND WOULDN'T GIVE IT BACK so I made dinner before I actually threw my fucking laptop across the room in a temper. Came back to it. Remembered that OneNote sometimes takes a while to sync across devices. Found one of the other devices. Switched off the WiFi so it couldn't sync. Found the old version of the notes and photographed them, then spent all fucking evening more or less typing up my notes and thus NOT getting any editing done on Heavy OR having my bath OR going dancing.

Bonus uncurse: Tattooist appeared out of the mists and said "do you want tattooing tomorrow btw" because he lives IN THE MINUTE and I live IN RIGID DERANGED PLANS. However, this means I don't have to deal with the internet pretty much all my waking hours tomorrow and thus it was decided. Curse rating: I had to go out in the cold to get money out and I have zoomed over budget for this month but as I haven't checked my balance since October money doesn't real.

anorexia, mental health, london, writing, computer issues, tattoos, something is wrong in my head, waaahmbulance

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