I stuffed the world's smallest pumpkin for dinner. Be proud.
I also FINALLY managed the energy to do one of me wee cardio workouts and low, it was deceptively easy and I am suspicious that I am not pushing myself enough, once again. BUT ALSO after a night of VIVID AND WRETCHED NIGHTMARES all containing TERRIBLE WEATHER and ominous woodlands and me straight-up lampshading something by informing a creepy family that they were "shitty, knock-off Addams Family, like worse than the fucking Munsters", I weighed myself following a five day period of "get yer calories in the bin fuckers"; 3.6kg also in the bin. To whit, that's definitely water weight, but it proves that, in a pinch, if I know about surgery five days in advance (which I am likely to) I can jettison additional weight pretty quickly (if also while being in a FOUL FUCKING MOOD). Not healthy: don't worry, on Monday (tomorrow I'm filling my entire body with sushi) I return to healthier, above-starvation levels of intake.
Better mood led to more motivation: worked on Super Sekrit Surprise Present For Friend, with moderate success; dragged my still-protesting ass to a cafe and handled the last section of reannotations (this book continues to kick me in the anus as much as the exercising does, I will never ever be ready and I am going to DIE); dragged my ass further to A Costa (I was going to go to the Library but the Library is to be kept pure and virginal for NaNo Suffering and cannot be tainted with Other Suffering) and bogarted a plug socket so I could shit out 2500 words of bullshit fanfic like my hands were on fire; then had the most BOURGEOIS, MIDDLE CLASS FAILURE as I stormed around Crouch End trying to find the right sort of tofu (why. Why does Allegedly Posh Shop Waitrose only sell firm tofu and by ONE manufacturer? This is balderdash.)
On the plus side I now have a pocket-sized tin of anchovies for fish emergencies. I mean, who hasn't had a fish emergency?
And then I went HOME and had THIS:
featuring World's Smallest Pumpkin™ and An Candle.
Meaning I have, or will have, when I've finished transferring my notes, achieved everything on my to-do list today, and can therefore go the fuck to the pub and drink shitty low-calorie no-alcohol beverages on my own with a book on a Saturday night because I am a goddamn social whirlwind, me.