(no subject)

May 07, 2012 08:19

So after spending a good six hours reading through the Nightmare Fuel section of TV Tropes I was expecting nightmares, but my subconscious is clever and decided that they should be about forgetting when my flight back from Australia is, forgetting my belongings, losing my plane ticket, losing my ride to the airport, getting hopelessly lost in somewhere my brain insisted was Australia even though it was blatantly small-town France, some gross stuff about becoming infected with something, my grandfather committing suicide with a garden tool, brandy that had been turned rancid because a crazy ship's captain had been storing a tarantula in it - guys can brandy even go rancid it's alcohol - and ending up lying in a doorway screaming and crying "why won't anyone help me" after repeatedly trying to call and text everyone in my phone (which had virtually no battery) and receiving no reply from anyone except, hilariously, BBC!Mortiarty who told me he didn't have to help me and hung up.



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