I will sodomise you and face-fuck you.

Feb 21, 2012 19:21

I am really heavily mired a moral quagmire right now, y'all. Liza is screaming things about "JUST STICK YOUR DICK IN HIS WOUNDS" and writing fic that's surpassed "questionable" and sailed off into a sunset constructed out of blood and fucking; I have managed to stand on the off-switch for diplomacy and am responding to criticism with the exhortation to "lick the piss off my clit, dickhead". SO EVERYTHING IS NICE.

In that vein, I have yet to write up my gift shop review for the Imperial War Museum, I have yet to expand on my plot notes for AC, I have yet to do anything because I am busy writing fanfic yet again. I am hopeless. I have no self-discipline and there's no one around who can actually MAKE me do this shit.

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All the World's A Soggy Semi-Circle My clearly brilliant thing about open air theatre.


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childhood, epic fail, blogs, photos, links, captain fail of faildonia, in which i fail at humanity, fail

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