The loneliness of the elderly LJer

Oct 13, 2011 21:09

Nothing really to talk about beyond being bored stiff all day every day, and then coming home too tired and despirited to really do anything creative. I feel sure the boredom would be alleviated if people would talk to me, but judging by LJ comments I have become steadily less interesting in a pretty straight line since about 2007. Also I keep starting rants, realising I've said it all a million times already, and stopping in general despair. The trouble is there's this window of time between getting in from work and reasonably being able to go to sleep - aka "the evening", when no one is online to talk to me, I'm too worn out by being awake to actually DO anything (whereas at work I have no access to stuff I need and the overpowering knowledge that I can't get too into something because I may be required to drop it at a moment's notice and actually DO THE WORK I'M BEING PAID TO DO), and all in all things become rather bleak rather fast. tl;dr ALCOHOL IS MY ONLY FRIEND.

Figured out what to do for my birthday

Saturday the 29th: Imperial War Museum exhibition of Don McCullen's photos, since I've been a fan for about ... 15 years?
Sunday the 30th: Go to the Three Compasses on Hornsey High Road, eat own bodyweight in roast dinner, try out their whiskies as they have many.

I think what this represents is a cunning acquiescence to the knowledge that no one considers me particularly important, while still allowing opportunity for anyone who has a spare moment free of their busy schedule of not liking me in order to come and hang out. I'm not going anywhere noisy or stressful, so that quieter people can creep out of their holes and say "I would speak to you at all ever, but I just don't have anything to say to you", and be free for another year.

By which I mean, anyone who can join me for either of these things is welcome to, but I strongly do not expect anyone to turn up.

i wouldn't want to be me either, museums, social, tattoos, photos, birthday

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