PRUSSIA, CANADA: INGLORIOUS BASTARDS CROSSOVER (?)Inglorious Bastards, one of the more anticipated films of this year. Germany paid a pretty large sum to help get this movie filmed. America can barely contain his excitement because it's fucking QT, who he totally has a school boy crush on. And I'll bet Canada and Prussia get tanked at Canada's place just at the thought of the hype that's gonna follow the movie. Canada because he really doesn't want to get dragged back to who he was during the world wars and Prussia because, dude he did not raise his brother to be a masochist.
SPAIN/ROMANO: THE DELICIOUS TOMATO SONGIn which, to Lovino's dismay, Antonio discovers the Delicious Tomato song and listens to it.
Take it as you will, anons. ♥
SWEDEN/FINLAND, RUSSIA, SEALAND: DON'T MESS WITH FINLAND'S BABYSo this is partially inspired from that fill concerning WBC and the Finland in the aphdressingroom who's taken from the time Russia had him. Ya know, wintersoldier!Finland.
Russia kidnaps Sealand, luring him away with promises of candy teaching him how to become a nation that everyone will recognise. Naturally Sweden and Finland will not take that lying down.
So when Russia turns up and the next, possibly bragging about how Sealand is one with him, both parents react. HOWEVER, while everyone expects Sweden to be the one to react worse, the one to pretty much kill Russia, in reality it's Finland. In front of everyone the nice, polite Finland shifts into a much darker one, a Finland who basically annhilates Russia.
Bonus: You include the words, "No, Su-san. I have this under control. After all, I did learn a few things about pain from Russia. Lets see how well I learned." OR SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES
Bonus2: Swedens the only one who isn't afraid of Finland. And later comforts Finland if he realises and regrets how he acted so harshly.
Bonus3: Sealand, when the find him/he appears, assumes it was Sweden that beat up Russia, and Finland plays along with that idea.
Tl;Dr: MamaBear!Finland, showing Russia and everyone else why you don't mess with his baby. And how you should never discount the cute ones.
SWEDEN/FINLAND/DENMARK/NORWAY: TWISTERThe boys (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway) are all around one of their houses one night having one of their random get togethers; the alcohol is flowing freely and someone (Probably Denmark) suggests they all play twister!
Finland volunteers to spin and they boys get to it. A few minutes in and they're a tangle of limbs and torsos with no look of anyone giving in when one of them decides it's time to play dirty- sexually dirty.
Grinding, rubbing, thrusting, biting, breathing on, licking and groping all commence from there.
Have them all do whatever to whoever you want and however it all ends is all up to anon :)
My only definite want that would make me love filler-anon even more would be Norway sucking on Denmark's balls through his clothing but you don't have to if you don't want to <3
FRANCE/PRUSSIA, SPAIN/ROMANO: BANK HEISTThe Bad Touch Trio is bored. They decide a vacation would be wonderful (and very much deserved), but they don't have any money... So they rob a bank, thereby ending the boredom problem and the money problem. Romano drives the gettaway car.
What they do with the money is totally up to you.
Bonus: They rob an American bank, and America chases them throughout the fic (because cops and robbers is fun).
ANYONE/CANADA: CROSSDRESSINGYou know how Canada is practically invisible to everyone, so a bored Prussia decided to something and manage to convince force Canada into crossdressing. With Prussia saying in the end, "It's not like anyone will notice you." Of course, all the nations notice crossdressed Canada when he arrived to the next meeting.
Pairing is anon's choice, but it cannot be England or France.
The usage of nation name or human name is up to anon.
Bonus: If Kumajirou is somehow involve in this scheme with Prussia
Double Bonus: If America gets overprotective of Canada yet jealous of the attention Canada is receiving.
Triple Bonus: If Canada shows his snarky, sadistic, sarcastic side as temporary fem!Canada, and the nations are turned on by it.
AMERICA/ENGLAND: FIRST TIMEAmerica x England, just straight-up smut.
Bonus points if it's England's first time~
PRUSSIA/RUSSIA/PRUSSIA: DISTINCTLY UN-AWESOMEPrussia is at the height of his glory, radient in awesome badassery when all of a sudden, he does something completely un-awesome: he falls for Russia (or Canada, though I think Russia works a bit better for this scenerio). Hard.
Of course, we all know how Prussia likes to tell himself how happy he is to be alone, so he would naturally try to talk himself out of it. It doesn't work. He tries asking his chicks for advice on what to do and the object of his affection totally overhears.
Prussia tries to pass it off as a joke or convince them that he was just doing a mocking immitation of some other nation but his crush doesn't buy it for a minute. Turns out his crush felt the same way about him but was afraid he'd shoot them down and ridicule them for feeling that way.
I'm not interested in smut but anon can allude to future smut if anon really feels they must.
FRANCE/CANADA, AMERICA/ENGLAND, GERMANY/VENEZIANO, SPAIN/ROMANO, ANYONE/ANYONE, WORLD: WEDDING PARTYAnom wants something funny involving a wedding party, with different points of view from different couples.
It can be anyone's wedding, Germany/Italy, Spain/Romano, whatever, you decide...
Bonus points if some pairings are France/Canada, US/UK...
Even extra bonus points if Prussia's not invited but shows up anyway.
Country names, human names, AU, it's up to you. Anom here is fine with almost everything.
GREECE/RUSSIA, GREECE/ENGLAND, GREECE/FRANCE: HE STORMS OUT OF TURKEY'S HOUSEOttomanEmpire!Turkey and Ottoman!Greece get into a tiff. Why is up to the anon who decides to accept this request. Greece storms out of Turkey's house and runs into one of the three nations that will later help him get independence (France, England, or Russia).
Bonus: France/England/Russia instantly take a liking to Greece (Philhellenism, anyone?) and try to win him over.
Anon would like a series of encounters, an affair, I suppose, wherein France gradually deflowers virgin!Canada (maybe 2-300 years ago?) and teaches him the bedroom arts--all positions, all ways, all techniques.
If it's not being to particular, maybe then a set of aftermath scenes where Canada uses what France taught him while "negotiating" with other nations. Cool options include, but are not limited to, UK, USA, Ukraine, Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, Cuba, Seychelles, Korea...
One day, America is just visiting Japan on vacation when he bumps into Bandit Keith. Somehow he figures out that America is America and instantly falls in love with him. America is decidedly put off by his advances and proceeds to flee. Anon wants all sorts of wacky hijinks to happen in America's attempt to lose Bandit Keith, like making out with another nation (this anon's OTP is Russia/America, but would be fine with England, France, or Australia), only for Bandit Keith to go "YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN SO WHY ARE YOU MAKING OUT WITH AMERICA?!" Now the nation America made out with has to flee too. I don't care how you get there, but have it end with America/other nation meeting up with Yugi and the gang and Yami erasing Bandit Keith's memory out of pity for America.
"So let me get this straight: You're just here visiting from America when you bump into Bandit Keith, who wants to get in your pants just because you're also American?"
"Pretty much."
"HOLY CRAP THE MIND-SCARRAGE YOU MUST HAVE!!! Do you want me to just erase his memory of you? 'Cause I can do that."
Bonus 1: America blames Canada for this somehow.
Bonus 2: Bandit Keith's attempts to seduce America are all American-themed, which really freaks him out. ("Please let me do you on top of an American flag. IN AMERICA!" "GO AWAY!")
TL;DR: Bandit Keith wants to do America. America does not want.
WORLD: KINGDOM HEARTS/ANSEM RETORT CROSSOVERI have no idea how many people of the Hetalia fandom have read Ansem Retort strips, but I figure I'll give it a shot.
I really just want to see one or more Hetalia characters meeting one or more of the cast of Ansem Retort. Obviously, humor is the genre here, but for situations, I'm pretty open. Maybe America goes to meet with the new governor of Pennsylvania, Zexion Doreone? Maybe he gets pissed that crazed prophecy fanatics and a drugged up Larxene destroyed Disney Land? Maybe he just watches the show? Or, my personal favorite, how would England react to Zexion threatening his queen with a lightsaber to get his medical license back? (
Link to Ansem Retort homepage:
http://www.ansemretort.org/ansemretort/index.html -
GERMANY/HUNGARY, GERMANY/BELARUS, GERMANY/UKRAINE, GERMANY/BELGIUMD: NAZI SEXPLOITATIONhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_exploitation Germany/ Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, Belgium
AMERICA, ENGLAND, FRANCE: FOODJust when you think America's eating habits are bad, they get worse.
Annon wants a fic that has something to do with Bacon Explosion/fried candy bars/fried twinkies/fried ice cream/cheeseburgers with donuts as the buns/fried coca cola, etc and America. Cram as much as that crazy heart-stopping obviously-bad-for-you food as possible in there! Annon wants to be able to feel the heartattack coming!
Bonus if England joins America in the feasting because his eating habits are just as bad he's starving and there's nothing else to eat.
2nd Bonus if France cries like a little girl at the disgusting awesome food.
AMERICA, CANADA: THEY SWITCH BODIESIn which brothers Canada and America switch bodies, and from the experience, learn to appreciate and love each other more, because I am a fluff!fag. <3 America learns just how hard Canada has it, being forever invisible, and Canada comes to find that having the limelight isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially when a lot of the attention isn't exactly good.
Bonus 1: If both Canada and America are in relationships at the time of the switch, and their respective significant others are freaked out byh the change in their lovers
Bonus 2:If the brothers cannot quite control their actions or overide what each other would typically do in certain situations (ie America can't raise Canada's voice or grab attention, or Canada can't stop America's extreme focus (anon is under the belief that America's "obliviousness" stems from him believing one thing so much he blinds himself from the real situation) and freaks at how out of control his enthusiasm can become )
AMERICA/ENGLAND/AMERICA, ENGLAND/DENMARK/ENGLAND: PUT IN HIS PLACEWhat this anon want is America dropping by England's house one day with the mentality of "Ahaha! I'm so awesome and important!" and walks in on England and Denmark having sex.
America, shocked because he truly believes that he is so important to England and the only one he could ever like, starts going mental at him for it. England and Denmark carry on with their lovemaking, completely ignoring the raging American in the room.
When they're finished England finally acknowledges him and knocks America into reality with a; "I've known you for *** years and have been sleeping with you for ***. I've know Denmark since the 700s, was married to him for 150 years and have been having casual sex with him since that same time. Don't think you're so fucking special."
America is forced to, finally, face the harsh realisation that he is in fact not the only one he sleeps with and is not the most important person in England's life.
NO happy ending.
NO fluff.
NO sadness.
Just America getting put in his place.
FRANCE: LIAR, LIAREngland slips something magical in France's wine one night, and the next morning France wakes up completely unable to lie. He has to go to the world meeting anyway.
I'd love it if he walks into the world meeting with the intention of informing everyone of just how incredibly sexy he is, and then ends up saying something like "I've been bing-eating lately, and could barely fit into these pants. I've been depressed about it all morning."
Humor. Please <3
Bonus: He ends up revealing that he's sleeping with multiple nations, all of whom think they are his only lover.
Bonus2: Because he can only speak the truth he does end up discovering which one he actually loves.
SWITZERLAND/LIECHTENSTEIN: HARDCORE, DETAILED SMUTOf all the requests I've seen, I still have yet to see this:
Switzerland/Liechtenstein: hardcore, detailed smut - fluff to keep things in character would be nice, but I'm leaving any detailed premise up to anon.
WALES, SCOTLAND AND NORTHERN IRELAND GO TO A WORLD MEETINGEngland is somehow unable to attend a World Meeting. Having exhausted all of his options, he has to send the rest of the UK instead - Scotland, Wales /and/ Northern Ireland (because, you know, three insane heads are better than one, of course).
... It ends badly.
ENGLAND/AMERICA/ENGLAND: INNOCENT COLONY/DADDY GAMEEngland/America(/England), in a somewhat established relationship in today's day and age. Playing out the 'innocent colony'/'daddy' 'game'. Only, in a change of pace, it's America who has the kink.
Basically, America wants England to, for one night, treat America as someone innocent, precious, completely adored and loved, and belonging to England... while dirtying him up a little (or more then a little: a bit of bondage or humiliation could fit, I think). And America wants this to be going on while he plays as being so very eager to please 'Daddy'.
At first, England's a bit bemused/weirded out, but as it goes on, he gets really in to it, as well.
Bonuses for showing America trying to request this, probably being a blushy-stuttery wreck as it's so out of the usual thing for America to want, and for satisfying Anon's fluff!need at the end with sleepy nations cuddling and doing a 'yeah, we're so going to do that again, but I like you how you usually are, too, tsundere old man/spoiled oblivious brat' deal.
I don't care how you do it anons. I just want this. Yes, I am a freak.
CANADA: HE FINALLY SNAPSAU High School setting; After far too long of being ignored, Matthew finally snaps and, in retaliation to his treatment, holds his classmates in a kind of hostage situation until he feels he has gained adequate “respect” from his peers. I want him to be terrifically unbalanced and creepy, and definitely doing it for the revenge, so violence is pretty much a given.
Whether he eventually comes to his senses or not is up to writernon, and if writernon prefers the Hetalia-verse and can make it work, I wouldn’t mind.
Bonus 1: Matthew has set up a bomb somewhere, which prevents the police from entering in fear that he will trigger it.
Bonus 2: Alfred -being the hero he is- tries to stop his brother from hurting others, and in so doing purposely takes the brunt of Matthew’s animosity while others take the opportunity to find/ disable the bomb because Noble!Alfed actually being a good hero makes me smile
Bonus 3:Someone in the room is in desperate need of medical attention by the end
FRANCE, ENGLAND: STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTIONSAs much as we hate to admit, student council elections can turn into school wide popularity contests.
I want to see how Resident Perv France and Friendless 'Scary' England won the vice-president and the president elections respectively. Was it bribery? Threats? A rigged voting system? An honestly good campaign? Anon wants to know!
Oh, and I don't mind any pairings or other characters you may want to throw in here =3
Recaptcha says LORD hulbert lol
CHINA, TAIWAN/HONG KONG: THEY'RE CAUGHTHi there. I donnu about what you guys think of my idea, but since noticing the slow rising of hongkong/taiwan fanarts, I would like to see Taiwan and Hong Kong being caught by their big brother China, for doing much more than just kissing each other. Yeah you know what I mean.
Bonus - Rage!China and horrible consequences, not only for the young paring, but for their brother as well.
Absolutely must have Sealand as Flapjack and England as K'Nuckles. Maybe Finland can be Bubbie...
Make it work.
SPAIN/ROMANO: MPREG AND ROUGH SEXSpain/Romano: MPreg, rough sex. Spain tries to stay steady while topping a heavily-pregnant, horny, and even more volatile Romano, but his own aroused feelings make it difficult to make the process go smoothly.
AMERICA, CANADA, CUBA, WORLD: THEY'RE GOING TO STEAL THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCEFor whatever reason, some of the nations decide to steal America's DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. It could be because of a prank, revenge, dare, England being drunk... the reason is up to anon.
Bonus: Canada and/or Cuba some how gets drawn into the mess as the "reluctant voice of reason."
Bonus 2: America some how hears that the DoI is about to be stolen but, "YOU CAN'T STEAL THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE"Bonus 3: THe nations succeed in stealing the DoI and America chases them down.
Yes, anon has watched too much National Treasure.
In wich the seme's feral and basic and the need to mate overwhelms him, and the uke has no clue whats going on.
Pairing Options.
Greece/Japan, Germany/N.Italy, Spain/S.Italy, UK/USA, Russia/USA, Latvia/Sealand, Russia/Lithuania, Austria/Hungary, Hungary/Vietnam, France/Either or both Italy's, France/USA, France/UK, China/Korea...or Belarus/Russia...Nobody shoot me, that one would mainly be for amusement.
Any pairing appreciated.
Who ever fills this gets a cookie...
GERMANY/VENEZIANO: HE FAILS AT GETTING HIS ATTENTIONHey, any of you from the PW kink Meme as well? You may remember Klavier's Series of Unfortunate events, which was basically a string of prompts centered around fail! Klavier and his inability to woo Apollo.
And I have a weird headcanon thanks to it that Germany is probably the same.
So yes, please give me some Germany attempting to woo Italy/try to get his attention, and failing miserably.
And it's pretty open out there, so some suggestions:
- Clichés
- Cultural misunderstandings
- Other parties involved/accidentally involved
Smut and angst are additional things, I mainly want humor and fluff. And it can end in GerIta or not, it doesn't matter! Multiple fills are encouraged, I'd love to hear your ideas.
AMERICA, NORTH KOREA: CRACK FIC, PLZAfter reading and laughing about this:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/25/north-korea-opens-1st-fas_n_244946.html I would like a request this in a crack fic.
AMERICA: HE'S MISUNDERSTOODSo, a while back I found that we (The US, that is.) have our own version of L'Internationale (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Internationale). Pretty cool. When I showed my friend in Europe, she was surprised. This is the same person who was genuinely surprised to learn that we're not all shotgun-wielding bible-thumpers. (Granted that's mostly because no one can afford firearms anymore. lol)
I've heard time and again that we stereotype everyone else, so could someone please reverse roles?
B) Alfred encouraging rumors
B) France is the biggest offender (My friend would be French. Hehehe)
AMERICA/ANYONE: LOST IN TRANSLATIONFor one reason or another, America decides it is high time he learn a language other than English, and proceeds to try teaching himself. To test how well he's been doing not very he goes to the Nation whose language he's learning, and attempts a conversation with them.
At some point in this time, he manages to say the phrase "I want to be your boyfriend" as apposed to "I want to be your (boy) friend", leading the nation to believe he's confessing/ has deep feelings for them.
From there, it is up to you~
Bonus 1:To add to the appearance that he's confessing, perhaps he has grown flustered/blushy because he's being corrected so much?
Bonus 2: This is open to most langauges and therefore nations (beyond those that only speak English, of course, or those whose language is impossible to make such a mistake), but my preferences are Japan, Russia or Canada (for French; I imagine he'd prooobably rather go to him than France for learning French XD) I myself am fail at foreign language, so I wouldn't be surprised if this mistake is actually very hard to make...but if anyone can make it, it's America >>
ENGLAND/VENEZIANO/ANYONE: GRANTING A SEXUAL WISHWell,it seems we have two little fairies now,huh? So,how about making good use of that togas?
Bonus: The nation is a very good friend of England, Veneziano,or both.
WORLD, FRANCE, RUSSIA, ENGLAND, AMERICA, VENEZIANO, FINLAND: WHAT THEY GOT FOR CHRISTMASHey remember the Christmas Episode? Yea liek, the most recent one?
Well, we all know good ole Santa!Finland gave China a big stuffed kitty, Japan some yummy food and Germany erotic reading material(What the hell else are you gonna do stranded on an island.), but what about everyone else?
OP would like to see the countries take a break from the annoying stand-off/retreat schticks of WWII, and gather around the fire to open their gifts.
Gifts are up to the writer, but please no predictable crap like Cheeseburger, pasta, vodka, roses, tea etc. (Please no coal.) Heartfelt and funny are both welcome!
Bonus: America gets a stuffed bunny (Or something bunny related) and before (insert nation) offers to trade out of pity, Alfred gets super happy like a wound up kid on christmas.
Bonus: Axis and allies mingle a bit, talk about prospect of world peace someday...then maybe slash it up with holiday beach sexytiems!!
France showing Picardy exactly what him means by that kind of picture... by mercilessly molesting him and taking photos while doing it.
I think it goes without saying too that Picardy should be wearing the cat ears the whole time too.
AMERICA/JAPAN: FIGHTING OVER...I would like to request anything involving America and Japan fighting over that yellow and red gentleman on the right in the picture in the link provided.
http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll68/Geddoe_the_Obscure/ff7mc.jpg I don't know the character's name, but I assume something like Ronald McSephiroth would suffice. Escalation of said fight to fisticuffs would be grand.
ENGLAND/JAPAN: PHONE SEXEngland and Japan describing, in detail, what they'd like to do to each other while masturbating alone in thier rooms.
AMERICA/ENGLAND: LACTATINGThis anon has heard that men can indeed lactate, and anon isn't ashamed to say that lactation is a hard core fetish of anon's, be it in a het relationship or a yuri relationship. However, Alfred x Arthur is anon's first yaoi OTP, so I'm curious about this.
As a bonus? It's the trequel to the nipple stimulation fill
http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/6850.html?thread=9317314#t9317314 /or accidental discovery when Alfred plays with Arthur's nipples too much.
AMERICA/ENGLAND: APHRODISIACHaha, read this awesome fill about England accidentally drinking aphrodisiac-laced tea. Only it wasn't finished.
So I ask you, humble anons, to provide me with some aphrodisiac!England. And US/UK. Only, here's the twist. America put it in his tea in the first place in order to get England to confess his feelings/have sex with him.
Bonus: If it wasn't really an aphrodisiac, and America just said it was so England thought all his actions were just aphrodisiac induced. When it was really all him just having an excuse to let loose. Kind of like the placebo effect. Only sexier.
captcha: boulsover cyclical ....what?
CANADA AND THE LITTLEST HOBO ADVENTUREAnon has been getting RETRO and demands Matthew & the Littlest Hobo! Ie: The Littlest Hobo comes to help Matthew out of a pickle, such as a Rec Center being torn down or smugglers in the cove.
KEEP IT AWESOME. And of course, the Littlest Hobo leaving at the end.
reCAPTCHA: "philadelphia wants" BOOYAH
AMERICA/ENGLAND: DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCEanon just read something, and immediately thoughts, "awwwww"
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/jul/02/declaration-of-independence-copy so~ us/uk, obviously. i don't have a kink, really, i just wanna see something written about this. or has something similar been written already?
reCAPTCHA: proper fag. LOL.
OTHER/AMERICA: FATHER/SON BONDINGI recently saw the History Channel documentary "Secrets of the Founding Fathers" and it talked about all the clubs and secret societies the founding father's of America might have belonged to. So, I ask for a night of "father"- son bonding with almostRevolution!America and the Founding Fathers (Ben Franklin, John Adams, George Washington, etc.) ,wherein they visit places like the Hellfire club and the Free Mason Lodge.
BONUS: America catches England having a good time in the Hellfire club.
Why do I do this to my country...
CANADA, AMERICA: EXPERIMENTSGosh, I feel so guilty for feeling the urge to request this, but...
Nazi Germany's Dr. Mengele performed ghastly experiments on many sets of twins. So, despite the fact most of them were children, Captives/PoW!Alfred and Matthew being put through some of these experiments? Usually these eventually led to the twins being killed and then autopsied, but as I see it, Nations cannot be killed by normal means
Despite the darkness of the request, I'd really like to see a happy or hopeful ending, either with rescue, or the knowledge that the twins can and will survive until they are.
Bonus: Mengele's "patients" were typically kept together if I remember correctly. Matthew and Alfred comforting the younger children would be heart-wrenchingly lovely
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be sitting, awaiting my imminent departure to hell
WORLD: THEY FIND OUT THE TRUTHthis anon would like to see the Nations find out that they're all just fictional characters in a manga called Axis Powers Hetalia.
anon specifically wants to see their reactions. DO LULZ ENSUE? IS EVERYONE ANGSTY? IS THERE PITY SEX?
Bonus: the Nation that makes this discovery shares it with everyone at a World meeting.
Sex in the backseat of Germany's cars. Bonus points if it's a classic car.
SPAIN/JAPAN, GREECE/JAPAN: WITH JAPAN SLEEP DEPRIVEDGreece is a pretty mellow guy right? Well after spending most of the day being lazy...he's got to have a lot of pent up energy...how do you think he releases it? By fucking Japan stupid, for hours on end every day of course~!
So why don't we take a look at poor, poor, Japans sleep deprivation.
Horny/No control!Spain, and Sleep deprived!Japan.
Whoever fills this shall be loved and worshipped forever.
... with a few jealous onlookers
SPAIN/ROMANO: PROTECTIVE!ROMANOSpain/Romano: Somebody upsets/hurts Spain and Romano totally kicks the shit out of them.
Bonus: It's England
CANADA/AMERICA: IN FRONT OF A MIRRORCanada masturbating in front of a mirror to thoughts/fantasies of America.
Bonus: If Canada goes for more than just visually appearing like America (ie he purposely acts as he imagines America would in the situation)
GERMANY, AMERICA: THEIR RELATIONS AND THEIR DOGSI was walking my brother'sdog today, and the idea suddenly came to me. America's and Germany's friendship. As far as I can tell, Germany has a bit of a thing for dogs.[*anon prefers just a dog lover, and not beastiality.*] And there was that one picture that Himaruya drew of America with dogs, saying something about America being a dog loving nation. Then I remebered something that oneof my teachers mentioned in class once, that during the 9/11 attack, we [being the US] being thrown into a state of Nation wide panic, couldn't protect ourselves very well. And It was the German air force that helped us a bit during that time.
With all that in consideration, This anon would like a frendship fic between America and Germany. no smut, just friendship.
Bounus: if America and Germany are walking dogs and run into each othera decide to take a break and have a friendly chat about German-American relationships
Bounus 2: If its AU and makes refferances to the history mentioned.
Hopefully this came out right, considering I'm half asleep while requesting this.
GERMANY: YOU KNOW HE ALWAYS MAKES GOOD STUFFIn case some of you do not yet know...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwRISkyV_B8 I would love to see a crack for this.
"Made in Germany, you know the Germans always make good stuff."
Uh, smut is okay, I guess. But really, this is for the lulz. THE LULZ.
AMERICA/ENGLAND: AFLRED, THE APE MANBecause, obviously, Alfred is so very like Tarzan, and Arthur makes a lovely Jane. At least by Disney standards; I never read the book beyond a chapter or two for an example of rising action and...tension or something like that XD
But really, it isn't that much different from England finding Baby!America, just...Alfred's older...and sexier...and...and can't speak English but loves to get into your personal bubble I'll stop nao
Bonus: Alfred wears no clothes, because, pssh, we all know he wouldn't really feel the need for a loinclothe
OTHER/CHINA, AKA PANDA/CHINAI got a real hankering for Panda/China now.
TURKEY/CANADA/GREECE: GREECE BOTTOMSFrom this misfire from the fills list:
http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/10456.html?thread=15235032#t15235032 Anon would marrymarrymarry whom ever can write Turkey/Canada/Greece and have it be related to the little misfire fill at the same time.
B: Greece bottoms Turkey and Canada
Please and thank you~
ENGLAND, CANADA/AMERICA/AUSTRALIA: THREESOME WITH VOYEUREngland sitting back and watching Canada/America/Australia performing for him. So. 3some with voyeur. Him doing some direction too would be neat.
TURKEY, WORLD: CALLIGRAPHYThe hanzi-using Asians get lots of love for their calligraphy, but anon would be quite pleased to see some love for any of the Muslim nations and their calligraphy.
BONUS if the focus is on Ottoman Turkey and the tughra (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tughra ).
(MY FIRSTBORN if anon is able to incorporate knowledge of the Arabic alphabet.)
Calligraphy/beautiful writing is the kink, but doesn't need to be the character's. Surface? Doesn't matter.
http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/10530.html?thread=14992674#t14992674 fill with Protective-Brother!Canada, I've begun to thirst for his return. Sooo, Big-sis!America goes through a completely terrible, horrible break-up with *insert nation-tan here* that leaves her really broken up and upset, but, hero-style, she tries pushing onward despite her hurt/pain.
But Little Brother!Canada sees through her facade and in awesome, doting fashion, comforts her sweetly while secretly plotting out his revenge and maybe tries to subtly convince her that perhaps she should just stop dating. Y'know, for her safety. Because all guys other than him are jerks, and just want to get in her pants~
AMERICA/ENGLAND: HE PROPOSESSo, Alfred always is joking around with Arthur. Arthur learns not to take him seriously. Then one day Alfred begins getting jealous of seeing Arthur spending a lot of time with a nation (any nation is fine with me!), and he decides to propose to Arthur. Arthur thinks that it is just another one of his jokes. It isn't.
Extra cookies for Alfred trying to convince Arthur and getting all flustered in the process! I would love a happy ending, if possible, as well.
SEALAND/LATVIA, WORLD: THE OTHER NATIONS' REACTIONSTime has passed and Sealand has grown up to become a good looking teenager. In some meeting the nations are talking about that and even someone has in mind to seduce him. But all of a sudden everybody ends up knowing that Sealand is in a relationship with Latvia. There are different kinds of reactions.
Bonus if anon write a special description of England, Sweden and Finland's way of reaction
Pretty please?
WORLD, MADAGASCAR: THEY ALL TRY THEIR HAND AT PANDEMIC 2 (CROSSOVER)Has anyone here played the flash game Pandemic 2? It involves creating a virus and trying to kill off the whole world using the disease. However you first must INFECT every country. The hardest country to get infected is Madagascar. So you end up with the entire world dead, except for (GODDAMN) Madagascar.
Anon here wants to the nations playing the game and their reactions to it.
BONUS 1: Their reaction when their own country is "devoid of life"
BONUS 2: Someone managing to actually defeat the game
INTERNET FOR LIFE: No one wins the game and everyone starts hating on Madagascar who has no idea what is going on.
FRANCE/ENGLAND, AMERICA/ENGLAND: AND THEIR FIGHT FOR ENGLAND'S AFFECTIONFrance and America fight over England's affections. Much jealousy ensues. Anon doesn't really mind which pairing wins out, although she probably prefers US/UK.
I say either Belgium or Greece gave it to him. And they were thanked. With sex. Because that is so the sort of response one should have when gifted with a kitten. Yeah. Okay, so it's kind of cracky, but the idea amuses me: discard the sex part if you wish, and just give me either Belgium or Greece giving Spain a cat.
...Or there could be a threesome. That's cool too.
JAPAN AND BAD FANFICSAfter having read this .. .. ahem, story, for the first time, anon had an idea. Sooo, i'd like to request Japan reading 'my immortal', or any bad fanfic. The rest is up to anon ~~!
.. BIG bonus points if you can work Greece in there somewhere. C8
WORLD, RUSSIA/AMERICA, FRANCE/ENGLAND: WHAT DOES THEIR BLOOD TASTE LIKE?Inspired by the "Canada has maple syrup for blood" fill. (
What do the other nations have in their systems? Does Russia's blood taste like vodka and does France have wine running through his veins? Do Japan, China and England all have tea for blood? So why don't we have the nations as pseudo-vampires of some sort trying to find out what they're respective partners' blood taste like?
Any pairings are fine but this anon's OTPs are Russia/America and France/U.K. Multiple fills are welcome.
CANADA, AMERICA, WORLD: CANADA'S NO LONGER INVISIBLESo you know what I've been noticing? Canada, dude he's no longer invisible. Not politically (have you seen the news lately?) and certainly NOT in Hetalia (look at all the requests that are flowing in for him!)
So what does this inspire?!
Jealous Alfred? (I mean Matt's getting all the GOOD attention, you know the kind that doesn't involve people making fun of him behind his back)
Nervous Matt? (he's never been looked at this much and is a little nervous about screwing up)
Protective older brothers? (suddenly all these nations want to jump Matt's bones!)
Just let your imagination run wild anons~<3
PRUSSIA/GERMANY: FEM!GERMANYAs much as this anon enjoys her germancest yaoi, this wont leave my head.
I want Fem!Germany and Prussia. From when Fem!Germany starts developing anon wants to see Prussia trying and failing to seduce Germany (whether that be Germany being naive, playing hard to get, or just not interested) to when the Berlin Wall falls.
1. Prussia got no where with his seducing and has been sexually frustrated for a very very long time in til the wall falls
2. At some point in time Prussia comes up behind Germany and gets her aroused (light touching or fingering or both) and Germany becomes embarrassed either not understanding or the way her body reacted
3. When the wall falls Germany is the one to initiate things
4. Germany isn't a virgin - Prussia finds out who it is afterwards (how that goes is up to anon)
anon doesn't think that was too specific..
NORWAY/DENMARK/NORWAY: STEAMY KISSES AND SMUT FOR ALL THE GATHERED NATIONS TO HEAR AND SEEBecause all the Scandies are practically sex addicts out of having nothing better to do all those years ago they spend the majority of their time horny/badtouching eachother.
So what this anon wants to see is Denmark and Norway having some very heavy petting going on during a world meeting in full view of everyone.
Steamy kissing without care that the others are all blushing heavily and trying to avert their gaze around them, hands down each others' pants and stroking/groping away, whispered dirty talking that's not as quiet as they think... the whole shabang!
B: It happens during America or Germany's giant speech.
BB: They not so sneakily sneak out of the room to fuck in the hallway and they're that noisy that EVERYONE back inside can hear them.
CANADA/AMERICA: FEM!AMERICAInspired by this video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-zTudBm9EE Basically I want to be Canada as the blond boy a.k.a Len (which might be totally OCC, but putting that aside). And is lusting after his sibling - preferably Fem!America or even just America, who likes "Nation-tan's name."
Bonus: Gakuen Hetalia setting 8D
Bonus2: The story kinda syncs with the PV.
Wow, I really need to go fill out my fills now. Toodles!
DENMARK/BELGIUM: MY BEER'S BETTER THAN YOURSI want to see Denmark and Belgium bickering over whose beer is best. Sampling each other's beers to prove once and for all who is superior ends in the two of them getting tipsy.
Denmark spills some of his over Belgium and gets all, "I ain't letting good beer go to waste!" and starts sucking and licking it off of her. She then spills some on him as revenge and does the same.
It all then just turns into a sexfest using the beer as an excuse to kiss and lick the other.
B: It ends in sex.
RUSSIA/AMERICA: HOW TO COURT A NATION IN TEN DAYSSo there is an article out today that details how
Russian nuclear attack subs are patrolling off the east coast. While they have not yet entered U.S. waters, they are, of course, being monitored. It seems kind of interesting behavior, especially after Obama's much publicized visit to Russia and talks of mutual disarmament and greater cooperation.
So, for the prompt. The presence of attack subs, which Alfred initially gets very upset over, are actually Russia's way of also extending a hand--most people would opt for flowers or candy. Russia 'displays' and courts by use of nuclear subs. Cue more attempts at distinct Russian courtship and Alfred's responses before he actually clues in.
WORLD, CANADA: COUNTER CULTUREEvery country goes through political and social changes, no country can every stay the same. Nothing stays the same.
So what does this mean for our Hetalia characters?
And what happens when Counter cultures spring up? Does a younger version of the country come into being and the two sides have to balance before there is one again?
I am thinking like Civil rights!America(or a more current conflict), or punk rocker!England... or The Elections in Tehran! Iran or you can go earlier and show changes during the imperialism era ect. ect. ect.
Oc's are welcome!
Multiple fills are loved *hearts everywhere*
Can be serious or silly.
Bonus: something involving Canada because I can not think of a counter culture in that country and I am sure there is one.
http://stuffucanuse.com/aussie_windows/am.htm I wanna see a drunk!Australia who decides to move to the northern hemisphere and other countries' (especially New Zealand) reactions during the 'rampage' and the aftermath (World Conference?)
Bonus 1: Mentions of Tasmania getting left behind =(
Bonus 2: America complaining about Florida being 'broken off' (see link)
FRANCE: FEM!FRANCE DOES BALLETsomeone discovers fem!france doing ballet and finds the quiet dignity of the serious nation oddly arousing. bonus if that person notes that she's come a long way since the ballet in the 16th and 17th century court stuff.
+ If I've stuffed something up or missed a link, please let me know.
+ Requests with asterisks (*) beside them have been filled. If you fill one (or see one is filled), please let me know. You don't have to provide a link and can remain anonymous.
+ Language beta'ing and other links can be found
on our profile.